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Hello and welcome to my book.

I would like to start off by saying thank you for reading this, or just clicking on this book. I love writing and I love making story plots, and I very much love nsfw.

I'm also a huge fan of undertale and the au's created within the time of it being out. So I wanted to try my own story.

I've looked at other books about Sanscest and Papcest but I never really thought of doing my own till a few days ago. Also it might not be that good due to the fact I'm 10-16 :).

I will be taking requests at this moment and I'll list some au's I know and if you want to request and AU I don't know about then please fill me in on what there like in the comments🥂


- No rape
- No abuse
- No hating on a ship

(AU's I know!)

- Ink
- Error
- Classic
- Nightmare/Dream
- Blueberry
- Killer
- Horror
- Outer
- Fell
- Fellswap
- Swapfell
- Dust

I do know some more but I don't remember there names :(.

Have an amazing day you lovely sinners🤍

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