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Top: Ink
Bottom: Error


(Error is wearing this '')

(No ones POV)Ink had arrived home from a awful battle between him, dream and nightmare

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(No ones POV)
Ink had arrived home from a awful battle between him, dream and nightmare. Of course blueberry not being there due to being to "busy" today. All ink had craved was to cuddle his cute husband and shower him in praises and kisses.

He opened the door and set his brush down and vile strap on the nail in the wall to support the vials. He took his shoes and set them aside. After he was finished taking off all this stuff- Left with a shirt and pants.

"Error? I'm home!" Ink called out awaiting his Husband as he sat down on the couch and leaned his head back. Far to tired to go upstairs. "Welcome home I guess" he heard errors glitched voice come from the stairs.  Ink quickly opened his arm and error walked over to him and stood there.

Accepting the cuddles error laid on ink and hugged him tightly. Ink wrapped his arms around errors waist. Kissing the top of his skull gently. After a while ink grabbed the remote from the coffee table and got into Netflix, looking for a good movie to watch. Aftter a little while he decided on just some random movie.

Error put his head on inks neck and kissed it gently. "I missed you.." error whispered under his breath. "I missed you to baby" Ink responded rubbing his back. Error continued to kiss his neck while ink sighed and watched the movie.

Error started grinding slowly on ink, his stomach feeling weird with some kind of need. Only his husband could satisfy. Ink grabbed his hips "What are you doing baby?" He asked questioning error. Error groaned as he continued moving his hips letting our soft gasps. Feeling ink now hard on rub against his
ecto formed pussy through his panties.

Ink was letting out groans and his rubbed errors thighs. "Ngh- b-baby.." he muttered as error moved his hips faster growing wetter. Error sat up putting his hands on inks chest. Using one hand to reach down and rub his pussy moaning quietly. Ink noticed this and grabbed his hand "Your not allowed to touch yourself baby boy" he said as he moved errors panties to the side and slid his finger through his folds.

Error let out a moan and grinded against inks finger. Ink smirked and slipped a finger into error tight soaked hole. Moving it in and out of his lover, watching him fall apart. After a little while of doing this he heard a soft whisper. "What was that love?" "I-I'm gon-gonna cum!" He smirked and slowed this fingers down and slid his finger out. "No p-please let m-me-" Error tried to beg spreading his legs a little further. "You will baby.. eventually." He laid error down and gripped his thighs.

Licking his "lips" ink ran his tongue thorough errors folds watching his lovers thighs twitch, and let out quiet moans. He started eating his love out and error put his hands on inks skull. "Ah~! F-fuckkk meee.. hah" Error moaned aloud. Error flinched as ink started sucking on his clit. Closing his thighs gasping. Ink opened his thighs and held them open. Soon errors breathing quickened, ink taking it as a sign he was going to cum. A few more seconds later and error jolted as his whole body went numb and felt the knot in his stomach come undone and his eyes rolled back and let his tongue drop out of his mouth. Moaning inks name.

"There's my good boy" Ink said licking the cum off of his mouth. Error smiled at him his eyes closing slightly. Errors always been sensitive just one orgasm makes him so so tired. And ink just loves playing with his toy. Ink undid his belt and took off his pants and underwear, sliding his member on errors clit. Watching as error wined. He put his tip against errors hole and put the tip in.

"A-AH- ink.." error gasped out loud as he smiled softly and spread his thighs more. Ink slipped in his member slowly, carful to not hurt his baby. Error letting out gasps as he felt inks member kiss his womb. "Full.." error whispered giggling quietly.

Ink moved slowly, thrusting in and out of his tight hole. Groaning at the feeling. Speeding up every few seconds. Error letting out moans as he wraps his legs around ink. "Your so so good baby.. ngh.. such a good baby boy" ink praised getting closer to his climax. Error moaned aloud to these praises, so happy he could make his dom so happy. His knot in his stomach tying. After a little while ink groaned "Baby I'm gonna cum.." and error nodded his head, allowing ink to cum inside.

Error clawed at the couch and he came on inks dick. Feeling his pussy tighten as ink kept thrusting. "C-cumming!!" Ink grunted as he filled error with his warm cum. Panting as his slides out and watches his cum come out of his hole. Smiling he picked error up and took him to the bathroom.

Error smiled at the warmth filling him up. "Let's go run you a bath, mk?" "Okay" Error made grabby hands at ink and he got picked up getting covered in kisses.

"I love you so much"

"I love you to..."

This is terrible I'm so sorry please don't read this haha. I'm sorry it's not that long this is like my first time writing smut and I was a little uncomfortable🥺 ANYWAY This was difficult so uh- yes. Anyway I love sanscest goodbye.

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