"I know, I love you to"

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This is a small chapter. And is fluff
Because I'm working on a smut

Ink and error had been dating for six months, They loved each other deeply. Ink often sat with error in the void hours on end looking at different au's, cuddling, etc. And right now they were doing just that.

"Hey love?" Ink said. Breaking the comfortable silence. "Yeah?" "I love you" "I know, I love you to" Ink looked down and kissed error softly. Smiling into the kiss. He loved this man so much words couldn't describe it. Both of them enjoying this moment, error wrapped his hands around inks neck. Pulling deeper into the kiss. Error pulled away, "With every bone on my body" he added, smiling at his boyfriend. Ink smiled at this. "Your so cute"

"no I'm not!" Error squeezed. He hated when his boyfriend called him cute it was so embarrassing. He crossed his arms and pouted. "You look so cute when your mad" "do not. I look fierce, strong, and bold" "sure sure whatever you say" Ink pulled him closer and rested his head on his lovers shoulder. "Never leave me" "not planning on it squid"

Lol this is short but I need to get something out before it looks like I'm just gonna disappear out of no where. Anyway enjoy this while I work on a poth chapter :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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