Max has slight bi panic

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As the trio entered the cafeteria Nikki rushed immediately to a table near the wall where another person was already sat, as the other two sat down after grabbing food Nikki spoke up "Max this is Nerris, they're my partner, romantically, Nerris this is Max, he's new" he gave a nod of acknowledgement "partner? So, gender neutral I'm guessing" he asked "yep! I'm non-binary so they/them pronouns and gender neutral terms" they replied, Max noticed they had a lisp "and if you don't like that leave cos we don't tolerate bigotry here" Nikki said, suddenly very serious and clearly protective of her partner, Max chuckled "Nah, I'm cool with it don't worry". The conversation changed subjects a few times from a dungeons and dragons campaign Nerris was setting up to where some other people had gone (some guy he didn't catch the name of was doing a theatre thing and another guy named Harris or something was finishing an assignment in the library, Max didn't really care), finally landing on what Max was like and getting to know him, he answered vaguely not wanting to share his life with these people who were practically strangers but wanting to not seem like a total asshole.

Max had biology next, none of his new friends were in that class so he took a seat as far back as he could get resting his head in his hands and zoning out.

perspective change

Preston finished rehearsal and headed to class, as he walked in he noticed someone in his seat specifically how cute he was and how had he not noticed him before, he walked over and knocked on the table to get his attention.

Max snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at where the sound had come from noticing a tall boy leaning over him, he was pretty cute...wait what? No he wasn't Max was straight...he was pretty sure at least. He noticed the boys lips moving and realized he should be paying attention, "...and so I was wondering if you could move just to this seat here, its right next to the one you're in so it's not a problem right?" Max thought for a second trying to figure out the first part of the sentence but deciding it didn't matter, he had the part he needed "uh, yeah, no problem" he replied as he stood up and moved to the seat next to him, the stranger smiled and sat down "thanks, I would've let you sit here but Mrs. Burnett is really strict on the seating chart it's a nightmare, I'm Preston by the way, its nice to meet you" he held out a hand for Max to shake but put it down when he realized he wasn't going to take it, "Max" he said shortly not wanting to interact with anymore people today, why was everyone here so talkative? Preston looked like he was about to say something else when the teacher walked in and class started, Preston kept sneaking glances at his classmate throughout the whole thing.

Max walked out of class after the bell without acknowledging Preston much to the taller boys disappointment, he was hoping to get his number or at least some form of social media, any way to contact him but at least he had a class with him, he could ask next time.

Authors note: sorry for the short chapters, im trying to make them longer. also for some reason grammarly wasnt working on this chapter so if theres any typos or grammar errors i apologize.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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