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     The night was relatively calm. Batman sat on a rooftop overlooking the city he protected. His thoughts had been ridden with (Y/N) and the new vigilante R. If (Y/N)'s journal had been on her body when she died then why was it in the rubble of her home? It had been four years since then. Why did the journal seem fine except for some slight burn damage? His thoughts were interrupted when a voice sounded form behind him. 

     "Hey Batsy. Seems you have a lot on your mind. Care to share? oooooooohhhhh is it me~" R asked as she stood behind him. 

     Batman turned and looked at the vigilante. "Why was her journal not on her body? Where was her body?"

     "Ya didn't read the note from the grave did you?" she asked with a roll of her eyes. 

     He shook his head and pulled out the note he had planned to read the night R met him at the bank robbery. Batman opened it and it was in (Y/N)'s handwriting. A list of poisons and dosages. "What is this?"

     "Her family died from poison. So she faced her worst fear every day to become immune. Her teacher made it safe enough so she wouldn't die. (Y/N) was immune to every poison. Even the rarest one from the league of Assassins. The blue flower fear toxin. She also was immune to the most deadliest. Which just so happened to be the one she was killed by. Interesting isn't it?"

     "No one is immune to that poison."

     "She must have been. I'm assuming you read that journal. She would have been killed instantly if that poison was administered to her. Yet it took a whole other dose for her to die."

     "Why are you telling me this?"

     "Someone needs to know." R shrugged and yawned. Then she walked to the edge of the building and looked out over the city. "I came to mess with you, but I don't have the heart to do so anymore. After following you both like batman and Bruce Wayne I can see you have not been the same since her death. She would not have wanted me to torment you so."

     " I don't understand why you care so much. Who are you?"

     "A guardian. A forgotten soul. An angel of death. I have been described as all of those."

     Before he could ask why she was here there was an explosion off in the distance and R slipped off the edge gracefully. Letting herself fall for a while before grappling to another building. She took off after the explosion. Batman followed. 

     It had been a faulty product, so R let Batman handle saving people while she sat on a tall rooftop playing with one of her blades. Just then a car drove by with sirens following. She took off after them and lept onto the car. In the blink of an eye the car swerved purposefully and she was caught in a net near the docks. Men secured the net quickly around her before tossing her off the docks and laughing. R tried to break free, but the air was quickly leaving her lungs. Her gunshot wound from before reopened and left a trail of blood. R was a goner if she didn't break free. And her plans would be ruined if Batman rescued her. 

     To her bad luck she spotted batman diving into the cold water to save her. He worked at the ropes and gave her a shake to keep her awake. R was about to pass out before he got the net off of her and quickly tried to get her to shore. On the way up R passed out. Batman pulled her out of the water and slipped underneath the dock onto the slightly rocky shore. Laying her down on a large rock, he started to do CPR. 

     "Come on. Wake up." he mumbled as he continued to do CPR. 

     R was unresponsive for what felt like ages. Then she coughed up water and gasped for air. Batman turned her on her side as she coughed up more water. Then he spotted her side was dripping red water. "You're bleeding."

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