Wayne Manor

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     "I thought those entries seemed off... I was too busy focusing on everything else-"

     "Don't beat yourself up, detective. It's okay." She said as she looked up at Bruce. Their eyes met, and they stared at one another for quite some time before (Y/N) looked down and coughed into her arm. She sounded horrible. 

     Bruce came closer and placed his cool hand on her forehead. (Y/N) leaned into it and closed her eyes. "You're running a fever."

     "Your hand is cold. Feels nice."(Y/N) mumbled before pulling away from his hand and rubbing her temples a little.

     "I can't force you to stay, but please stay. Alfred is-"

     "Really good at taking care of people. I know." 

     Bruce smiled a bit. "Yeah." He found himself staring at her again. His hands grabbed the sides of her face and he leaned in. (Y/N) watched him lean in. Her heart sped up and she met his eyes as he paused like he was asking for permission. (Y/N) paused a moment before nodding and leaning in as well. Their foreheads rested on one another's as they both chickened out. "This isn't some dream, right? You're really here?"

     (Y/N) nodded and placed her hand on his that was still on the side of her face. "You know... I thought you and I would be in some childish squabble. Not trying to kiss each other."

     "Knowing us that time will come at some point." 

     "I would be surprised if we made it through the week."

      "So you are staying?"

     "I don't exactly have a choice do I?"

     "Not at all." Bruce pulled her into a hug and stayed like that for a moment before pulling away. Then he handed her the clothes he had brought down. "Here. I'll go and get your things from your place tomorrow. For now to get you out of that damp suit you can wear these."

     "Thanks." She accepted the clothes and then played with the sleeve of the shirt before looking up at him. "Could we maybe... put the past behind us? Start anew?"

     Bruce nodded and held out his hand for her. "I'm Bruce Wayne. AKA Batman."

     (Y/N) took his hand and as he pulled her to her feet she replied, "I'm (Y/N). AKA R."

    "So why do you call yourself R?"

     "Revenge. Reaper. Those two words sum it up really."

     "Revenge... That isn't-"

     "I know. But Revenge is what I am. I came here to stop Bones. I didn't come here to reunite with you. That just kinda happened. And my purpose is not to take down Bones because of what he did, but what he plans to do here." 

     "For now focus on healing. You can fill me in on the details later." Bruce replied as he led her slowly to the elevator of the Batcave. (Y/N) had been looking around and taking in everything. She liked watching the bats fly around above them. 

     The elevator began to move and soon they found themselves in the Wayne Manor. They emerged from the bookshelf and (Y/N) smirked. "That's cheesy."

     "Cheesy huh? I know several people who would be in awe about that. You call it cheesy?"


     "Well do you have a high-tech vigilante base under your mansion?"

     "I don't have a mansion."

     "Or wherever you live."

     "I'm dead Bruce. I don't exactly have to hide a whole cave from people when I don't know anyone or exist."

     "What if someone walked into where you live?"

     "They would find an abandoned apartment with holes in the ceiling."

     Bruce stopped and looked at her. "You are homeless?"

     "Bruce I'm dead. A dead non-existing person can't exactly live."

     Bruce went quiet and stopped in front of a bathroom. "Well, here we are. Get changed carefully alright? I don't want you pulling on those stitches. You really shouldn't be up right now anyway."

     "I got it." (Y/N) went into the bathroom and shut the door. Then she started to carefully change. After a while, she came out and began to look around when she didn't see Bruce or Alfred. By the faint scent of food, she could tell Alfred was cooking. 

      The architecture and art in the library were mesmerizing. (Y/N) found herself wandering through it and trying to learn the order of the books. Bruce had walked in long ago and simply stood watching her from afar. He couldn't keep the homeless part out of his mind. 

      "How can there be no order to these books? This is terrible." (Y/N) stated to Bruce as she continued to walk the bookshelves. 

       "I never noticed." He chuckled. 

       "You spend too much time in that damn cave then. I get it. Brooding is a fun pastime but this is just unacceptable Bruce. No organization to a library? Especially one this beautiful?" 

       "Well, when you get better you can organize it."

       "Oh no, you don't. When I've spent a few days here I'm gone. I have stuff at my place I need and I have to stop Bones."

      "He's here in Gotham?"

      "Yes. Has been for a while now I presume. I researched your crime rates. Definitely fits his mo. I-" She stopped and held her head. Her legs grew shakey and she found herself stumbling and leaning on the bookshelf for support. 

      In an instant, Bruce was at her side holding her steady. "(Y/n) what is it? What's wrong?" He slowly lead her towards the comfortable chairs in the center of the room that sat in front of a grand fireplace. 

      "Nothing. It's... I'm okay." (Y/n) mumbled in reply. She squeezed her eyes shut and rubbed at her temples as she slumped in the chair. 

      "You look like a corpse (Y/N). Every time I look at you you're paler. We've been down this road before (Y/N). I know then I wasn't listening but now I am. Please tell me what's wrong." Bruce pleaded as he brushed some hair from her face and checked her temperature. 

      "Stop it."

     "You're as cold as ice now."

      "Stop it."

      "(Y/n) please..."

       "Leave me alone!" (Y/N) snapped as she shoved his hand away and stood. She winced and held her side a moment before turning and looking at him. "Bruce I do not take kindly to whatever this is. I have seen how cold you can be. Regardless of how guilty you feel, do not pry at me. I am not the lighthearted person I once was. Nor am I the one to crawl to your feet and spill my guts to you." With that, she walked off to find Alfred. He lead her to a room he had prepared for her when she told him she was tired and wished only to sleep. Once they arrived, she turned in for the night. 

      The two had a rough road ahead...       

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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