~Imagine Seven~

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Warnings: None and translations are at the bottom!

Prompt: Getting his attention at home for cuddles

Your POV

When Luke got home last night he started a pot of coffee, sat at his desk, and started working on case files. This morning, Luke did the same thing. Today, at 11 in the morning Luke did the same thing. He brewed a cup of coffee, poured me a cup, put it on my nightstand, and traveled to his desk where case files welcomed him, apparently more than my warm embrace. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at him at all. I miss him. He had just gotten back from a long case which means he has more work than normal. Sure, he came to bed at three in the morning and cuddled with me but I still miss him. I'm going to do something about it.

I walk into the kitchen and put a square of the lasagna on a plate and heat it up in the microwave. When the microwave beeps I grab a fork from out of the utensil drawer and bring him the lasagna. I put the lasagna and the fork on an empty space on his desk and he mumbled "Gracias, cariño." and started eating without acknowledging my presence after he said thanks.

When he finishes his plate I take it to the kitchen and start washing it. While I was washing the dishes I came up with a more destructive idea. Luke could be called into work at any time of the day which means if I drew on his arm he'd have no choice but to give me cuddles or go into work with a sharpie tattoo sleeve provided by his girlfriend. 

I grab a handful of sharpies, a pen, and a stool and moved the stool to the spot next to Luke's arm and started tracing out Roxy, some flowers, and Roxy's name. When I opened the black sharpie, for the outlines and Luke sharply inhales and turns to look at me. When he looks at me with his "Really?" face I couldn't help but to burst out giggling. 

He followed suit by laughing and he breathes out "You want cuddles don't you, mi amor?" I nodded and said "Yeah, I really do want cuddles, but can I finish your quote unquote sleeve? I promise you're gonna love it and you can wrap up your paperwork while I do?" He nods and says okay so I get back to work on my masterpiece. 

When I'm finished with my beautiful work of art I tap Luke's upper arm to let him know that I'm finished and he looks at it, kisses my forehead and says "You're right, I love it, thank you, the team is going to be so jealous, now c'mon I wanna cuddle." I chuckle and say "Lead the way, love." He wraps leads my way to our shared bed and we lie down on the bed and he pulls me into his chest. I put one arm under my head and the other on Luke's chest with my head. Luke puts one hand in my hair and the other under his head. 

I wrap one of my legs over one of his legs and he entangles our legs together and we contently sit there with him while he told me about the success of his last case.

 We were sitting like this for about thirty minutes when Roxy decides she wants to join us. She jumps up on the bed and sits flush against my back. I should draw Roxy on Luke's arm more often.


mi amor- my love

gracias, cariño- thanks sweetie

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