~Imagine Nine~

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Warnings: Small amount of angst, mentions of a character being shot (THIS DOESNT HAPPEN IN THE SHOW!!!)

Prompt: Request by -mcmahon "The reader and Luke have been married for a few years. She is about 5 months pregnant. They always worry about each other when he leaves for a case especially in really huge ones. He worries about not being able to come home to her, misses seeing his baby be born or something may happen to her while he is gone. She worries that he may not come home and she will have to raise their child alone. Even before becoming pregnant, they always worried about each other. Something happens to Luke while on the case and she finds out. They both worry that they will never get to see each other but he is okay and goes home to her."

Your POV

I grab the can of whipped cream from the door of the fridge and squirt a mouthful of the whipped cream into my mouth, swallow it, puts the can away waddle my pregnant self to the couch, and laid down, closed my eyes, and began reminiscing about Luke and I's relationship. Luke and I have been married for three years and I've been pregnant with his child for about five months. I always have worried about Luke when he goes on cases, especially big cases. 

I know that Luke is worried about the baby and me when he goes on cases because he tells me so but I can't help the feeling that during this case he'll get hurt or leave and I'll and up raising our baby alone. 

Every night before a case (A/N: I KNOW THIS ISN'T HOW IT WORKS IM SORRY) when we lie in bed waiting for sleep to overcome us we would express how worried we would be for the other. I feared that he wouldn't come back and I would have to raise my baby by myself. He would assure me that he would always come back and he would always be okay when he comes back.

Luke would express his worry that there will be a complication with the case and he wouldn't come home to me on time for when our baby is born. There's nothing I could promise him so I would just snuggle closer into him, which he always seemed to enjoy. 

Ever since we started dating and when he told me about his position in the FBI I couldn't help but worry about him and him the same about me. It's always been like that and I know it'll stay like that. 

My reminiscence gets interrupted by the ringing of my cell phone. I pick it up and hope the caller ID is Luke, but it's "Emily Luke's Boss". This can't be good. I answer the phone and the second Emily says "(Y/N), I'm sorry, something happened. How fast can you be at the hospital?" I drop the phone. I quickly pick the phone back up and say "I'm on my way now". 

When I arrive at the hospital Emily rushes towards me and says "Room 402" I thank her and rush there. Sitting in the singular bed is my husband, the one and only, Luke Alvez. He lets out a groggy "Hey" as if he had just woken up. I sit in the chair beside his bed and softly grab his hand. 

I ask him what happened and he explains "There was a complication with the unsub. I almost had got him to surrender and an officer spooked him, so he shot my left shoulder blade, and the last thought I had before I succumbed to unconsciousness was about how I didn't want to leave you alone with our child. I know it wasn't a fatal shot but I couldn't help myself from worrying about you. Will you  cuddle with me?" (A/N: kinda felt cringe writing that)

"I say "Of course" as I should and set my bag down as he moves more to the left of the hospital bed. I lay down with him and snuggle into his not shot shoulder. 

We sit like this for a good fifteen minutes. When the nurse came to check on Luke she didn't look too pleased to see basically three people in a one-person hospital bed but she didn't really seem to care. I move my head to face him and I say "I love you, Luke". He looks at me and says "I love you too, (Y/N)"

Luke Alvez x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now