2I Three fights for Harry and Ginny [ONE SHOT]

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Disclaimer: I don't own this. All credit goes to iluvfanfics on siye. 

Warning : Rated K+

Ginny Weasley tried not to laugh when the reason she was scrubbing floors in the Great Hall joined her in detention.

It was only fair that he suffer too–he had started the whole mess. But she was glad he was there. It was less boring this way.

Harry was still rubbing his sore jaw, even as he kneeled next to the bucket three feet away. "Bloody hell, Ginny," he swore. "Did you have to punch me?"

"Did you have to kiss me?"

Harry glared at her. She bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from laughing. He looked so righteous, kneeling there with a scrub brush in his hand.

"There is nothing wrong with kissing you," he ground out. "It's what boyfriends and girlfriends do."

"Not secret girlfriends and boyfriends, and not in plain sight like that anyway," she pointed out. "I heard voices coming down the corridor. Did you want them to find us like that?"

"So you punched me? Couldn't you have...I don't know...walked away?"

Ginny lifted one shoulder and returned to scrubbing. "More realistic this way."

"What's realistic is that you started this whole thing."

It was her turn to glare. "I did not."

"Yes, you did."

"You kissed me first!"

"You had your hands down my trousers."

"Only after you put them there!"

"Still, you started it," said Harry stubbornly.

Ginny straightened up to her knees and crossed her arms over her chest. "And how did I do that?"

Harry did not fail to notice the steely gleam in Ginny's eyes. It usually signaled the beginning of a knockdown, drag-out fight between them. They would shout for several minutes, moving closer and closer until they fell onto each other as if they'd been starving. He felt a familiar stirring in his trousers. Damn. These arguments always ended the same and so now, he usually had an erection as soon as they began.

He straightened up and puffed out his chest, determined to win at least one argument with her. "You know how you started it," he hissed at her.

Ginny just raised an eyebrow at him as if to say, "go on, I'm listening."

"I saw you flirting with him, Ginny," he warned her. "Tonight at dinner."

Ginny's brow wrinkled as she struggled to recall what had happened at dinner. Everything was a blur right up until Harry had pulled her away from her friends and dragged her to a darkened corridor where he'd proceeded to show her exactly why she put up with this ridiculous secret relationship.

"Seamus," he said in hard voice. "I saw you talking to him."


"So you were flirting!" he exploded. His voice echoed in the cavernous room.

"Sshh!" she said. "Do you want people to hear?"

He had the sense to feel abashed. But he was still angry with her. He'd watched as she laughed at everything Seamus said; big hearty laughs with wide, bright smiles she usually saved for him.

Her eyes narrowed. "I was NOT flirting with Seamus Finnegan. He was telling me a very funny story about his younger brother who is in my year and in case you haven't noticed, he is very happily dating Lavender Brown. Merlin Harry, she was sitting right next to him–do you think I would flirt with someone whose girlfriend was right there?"

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