44I Witch Weekly [ONE SHOT]

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Serenity Sparks looked up hopefully as a small, spotted post owl flew into her tiny office at the Witch Weekly. Grabbing the letter, Serenity absently tossed her visitor an owl treat. A smile crossed her face as she recognized the letterhead of the Auror Department.


I tried, I really did. I found out that Harry works out every morning at the Ministry gym so I have been going as well. I couldn't even talk to him. He is never alone, he's either with one of his friends, Ron or Seamus or he's with his wife.

I have never had trouble attracting someone's attention before, but Harry is simply not interested. He is very polite, but he made it quite clear he is not at all interested. You'll have to try something else.


Serenity's smile fell as she read the letter. After reading it through twice, she tossed the letter on top of the pile of letters sitting on the corner of her desk. Sighing she glared moodily at the stack of letters. A knock on the door caused her to look up.


"Come on in, Lisa," Serenity said to her best friend, Lisa Turpin. "How are things in the financial world?"

Lisa sat down in the hard backed chair shoved into the corner of the small office. "What's wrong?"

Gesturing towards her pile of letters, Serenity replied, "I just got a letter from another woman that Potter turned down. Well, he didn't even turn her down, he just didn't notice her. I just don't understand. Could I have been wrong?"

Without waiting for a response, she rushed on. "Rich and powerful men cheat on their wives. It is a fact of life. In the past year alone we've seen so many sex scandals from powerful men in all walks of life. Amos and Ellie Diggory's marriage was destroyed by a sex scandal. Draco Malfoy and Roger Davies were both caught with their mistresses. Myron Wagtail and Kirley Duke were mixed up in that scandal with their female fans. I mean I could go on and on. It only makes sense that Harry Potter is no different from the rest of them.

"Was I wrong, Lisa?" she asked. "I figured it would make my career and get me out of this rag if I could prove Harry Potter is cheating on his wife. But it has been six months and I don't have anything."

Lisa interrupted her friend. "Serenity, I know that it makes a twisted sort of sense. Yes, we have seen any number of celebrities, Quidditch players, and Ministry workers caught up in scandals, but Harry Potter is different. Not only is he extremely loyal, he is very much in love with his wife."

Serenity waved her hand. "I'm sure he says he is, but haven't they been together since he was sixteen? He just hasn't seen what is available." She shuddered theatrically. "I would hate to be stuck with the prat I was dating when I was sixteen."

"I think maybe he has seen what's available," Lisa pointed out. "He has always been famous, he's rich, he's a real life hero, and he's very good looking. Witches are always throwing themselves at him. He's never taken them up on their offers. Right after he defeated You-Know-Who, girls were chasing him all over the place. All sorts of women propositioned him and rumour has it a few men as well, but he wasn't at all interested. He's been true to Ginny since his sixth year."

Shaking her head, Serenity was not deterred, "I think I am just going about this the wrong way. I will get my story. I don't want to be stuck here forever."


Harry groaned softly at the blare of his alarm breaking the early morning quiet. He quickly reached over and silenced it before falling back on his pillow. Glancing over at his wife, he saw with relief the noise had not awakened her. One of the things he hated about having to get up so early was the worry of waking his family.

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