Part One

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Barnes Manor had always been a warm place. The Barnes' while rich, were still humble; grounded. Yes they lived in a mansion and had a waitstaff, but they were also kind and welcoming. If you were to ask anyone in Shelbyville, you'd hear nothing but good things about the family. From how George Barnes gave some of the men work when they were laid off, to how Winifred would always drop off baked goods she made herself at the local orphanage. Even Bucky, their eldest child, was known to take time out of his busy schedule to help tutor the younger kids who did their homework at the local library.

The Barnes were all around loved. Nobody would ever wish them ill intent. But with all the tragedy that plagued them, neighbors and friends couldn't help but wonder if someone had done dark magic to get rid of them.

First was little Rebecca Barnes. Sweet little dove was only three years old when she got the chicken pox. Four years old when she nearly drowned in the pond in front of their house. Seven when she was nearly hit by a runaway truck. Before passing at the young age of ten. This came as a shock to everyone, as she bid everyone a goodnight and simply never woke up again. The official autopsy concluded that she passed of an undiagnosed heart condition, and while the Barnes' mourned her loss, they found comfort in the fact that she didn't suffer and went peacefully in her sleep.

A few years later, George passed away. He was coming home from visiting his brother when his carriage was stopped by robbers. He cooperated fully, gave them all his riches, didn't look at them directly so that he wouldn't be able to identify them to police, he told them he had a wife and son waiting for him, begged them to spare him. They did not. He was buried a week later, next to his darling daughter.

It was a few months later that Bucky met Josephine. He had just left the library and was on his way back home when a sweet scent filled his nostrils. He turned his head to the right and saw a bakery up ahead. That's new, he thought to himself. Bucky walks into the establishment and is immediately engulfed in warmth. He looks around in curiosity before a tray being dropped ungracefully on the counter catches his attention.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know anybody had come in. Have you been waiting long?" you ask sheepishly.

"No! Not at all, I've only just arrived." Bucky stutters nervously. He clears his throat before approaching the counter. "I didn't know we had a bakery."

"You didn't." You laugh, tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "I've only just come into town."

"Oh? Where you from?" Bucky asked curiously, smoothing his hair back.

"Manilla." you say, which causes him to let out a low whistle.

"That's a long way from home."

"It isn't home. At least not anymore."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking, of course."

"My father passed away, he had been sick for quite some time. He was all I had and after he passed, I couldn't stay there anymore. Everywhere I looked I was reminded of him, of the fact that he's no longer here. Everything looked like home but it no longer felt like it...if that makes sense. Anyway, I sold what I could to get some start up money, packed up what little I had with me and here I am." you shrug.

"I'm so sorry." he tells you genuinely, "I know first hand how hard it can be to lose your father."

You both share a sad smile before you clear your throat.

"So, what would you like?"

Bucky takes a quick look around before pointing to a tray off to the side. "I'll take some muffins please."

"Of course." you tell him, reaching for a basket and lining it with a cloth, "how many would you like?"

"All of them." he tells you with a beaming smile.

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