Chapter 6

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The two girls went to school together the next day, but Jade knew she had to do something. She couldn't keep lying to Beck like this.
When Jade arrived at Hollywood Arts, she marched right through the doors, shoving them open, almost hitting some girl. She scoffed and started to make her way to her friends. Tori, Andre, and Beck were huddled in front of the hallway steps. They stood together laughing and talking, which made Jade's emotions boil. She was not only nervous, but now she was mad too.
She stomped her feet over to the group of people and forcefully dragged Beck away by his arm, into the janitor's closet, locking the door as it shut.
"What was that for?" Beck yelled.
"I have something to tell you..."
"And what is that?" the boy said angrily.
"I may or may not have thought the new girl, Nora, was pretty.... and she may or may not have kissed me.... and i may or may not had enjoyed it..."
Beck stared blankly at his girlfriend.
"I maybe like her... but I love you! I'm obsessed with you, I didn't even know I liked girls, I am so..."
"Sorry! I dont know what got into me but I promise...."
"JADE! It... it's okay"
"I won't do it ever again... wait what?"
"It's okay."
Beck cupped Jade's face in his hand, rubbing her cheeks softly. He pushed a stand of hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear, and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead, making Jade melt into his warm hands.
"It's okay to be yourself.... but I think we should take a break."
Beck slowly backed away from Jade and opened the door, and he walked out, leaving Jade alone. Tears started to stream down her face, making her mascara cover her red cheeks. She tried to wipe away her tears, but it ended up smearing the dark makeup even more.
She had enough of this. She swung open the door and march towards Nora, who was standing peacefully at her own locker talking to some brown headed bimbo.
"We are through!" Jade screamed at Nora, as she shoved the new girl into the lockers.
Nora forcefully collided into the metal lockers, and stumbled to plant her feet back onto the ground. Jade watched the girl struggle before storming off into the girls bathroom.

"WHO IS IT?" Jade screamed back.
"It's Tori, are you okay?"
"WHAT DO YOU T-THINK" Jade sniffled.
Tori walked up to the stall Jade was in and pushed open the door. She saw the monster of a girl she knew crumble into a sad mess sitting on a toilet.
"Do you want to talk about what just happened?" Tori asked in the most sympathetic way she could.
Jade was surprised. She had been awful to Tori for her whole time at Hollywood Arts, yet the girl was nice to her.
"And why do YOU care?"
"Well, I care about you. You're my friend... Now what happened back there?"
Jade rolled her eyes back into her skull as she made a deep sigh out. She slowly told Tori the whole thing, which made the two of them miss their acting class with Sikowitz. When Jade finished her retelling of her past few days, Tori stood there, not saying a word.
         "So?" Jade asked.
         "I am so sorry Jade, you shouldn't have to go through that stress."
         "So you don't blame me?"
         "Well I mean..."
         "See it is all my fault! I can't do ANYTHING right!" Jade screamed in frustration.
         "I never said that. Do I think it was wrong of you to cheat on Beck? Yes, but I don't think it's wrong of you to discover who you are. High school is a confusing time, and we all are just trying to figure ourselves out."
      Tori bent down and took Jade by her arm. She stood the dark haired girl up, and hugged her. Jade hasn't been hugged by anyone, but Beck, in a really long time, and it felt really good. Tori let go of Jade when she had realized she stopped crying. She pulled herself away and saw Jade smile.
         "Thank you, Tori"
      Jade pulled Tori back in for another hug, and the two girls stood there, embracing each other till the next bell.

The rest of the school day was awkward for Jade. She never realized how many classes she had with both Beck and Nora until now. But luckily, Tori was in those classes too. Tori made sure to sit next to Jade in each class, supporting her from afar. Jade had never been this supported by one person, ever. Even Beck had his limits to when he would stop supporting Jade. The girl felt as if time couldn't pass any slower. She glared at the clock on the wall as its minute hand slowly clicked. She thought she was going to pass out when the bell rang. How can a single class be that long? It's inhuman.
"Hey, do you want to come over to my place after school?" Tori asked as she approached Jade.
Jade smiled as a response as she walked with Tori out of the class. But Jade couldn't help but notice both Beck and Nora staring at her and Tori.

The two girls got into Trinas bright red car.
"And why are you here?" Trina huffed, looking back at Jade in the rear view mirror.
"Jade is just working on a project with me." Tori replied.
"Not like I wanted to be here with you two baboons." Jade smirked as she hissed at the two girls.
Tori couldn't help but smile, the old Jade, she knew and loved, was coming back.

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