18 || 𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐘

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The spire will be hitting the ground very soon if things are not stop. Whatever was used on this spire is now going to be seen as nothing but a new pile of garbage and contaminating a portion of the city.

Osa's eagle glides around the crumbling spire, believing it was safer than joining the Brothers and April inside it. She stayed as close as she could, hoping that they'll be in good hands with their outcome. "I'm right here!" She called out, shrieking with great distress.

"I think this is it, guys!" Donnie yelled, throwing his head back and looking up to the sky. He legit thought that this was the end of his family, the end of his extraordinary life.

"Does anyone have anything they want to say?!" Leonardo asked out loud, feeling the spire bump into a building. Only more debris collapsed and clattered, creating a much bigger mess with a ton of foreign noises. "Donnie?!"

Immediately, the tallest and more logical nerd of the Turtle family confessed what he thought was relevant. "I'm the one who licks the icing off the pop tarts every morning and puts them back in the box!!" Don squealed.

Osa thought it was funny to hear that as she followed the spire, but still worried for everyone in danger. She hoped they would make it in one piece and not pieces.

Mikey says what he felt needed to be said. "I so did not understand the ending of Lost!"

The spire tumbles some more, rolling off the top of a building. Osa continues to follow the spire down to the ground, waiting for the whole ride to come to a stop.

"Raph?!" Leo looks at his hotheaded brother.

This might be it... Raph felt like he shouldn't have a choice to say something. If he is going to die, then he should fess up his feelings. "I...I just, uh... If this is our last moment together, I just want you guys to know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so hard on you..." He says, making his brothers glance at him the entire time. "Every time I pushed at you, threatened you, yelled at you, and pushed you beyond your limits is because I believe in you! I believe in each one of you. I believe in your spirit, your intelligence, and your potential. And every time I talked about walking away it was because I was scared! I just didn't think I was good enough to stand by you and call you brothers and say to you, I love you! I love you guys, so much!" Tears rolled down his face as he put in so much emotion to his little speech.

Then, the spire stopped moving. A cloud of dust floats all around them, cloaking their existence. When the second oldest turtle realized that he and his family were back on the ground, he felt a tad embarrassed.

"Raph?" Donnie says, still holding on to the spire. "We made it!" He smiled.

Osa lands in front of the brothers in the rubble, seeing Raph get emotional for the very first time since meeting him. "That was nice to say." She chirped at him, closing her wings into her body.

"You crying?" Mikey asked him.

Raph sniffed. "No, ding dong! It's just a little dusty out here." He replied, seriously shedding a few tears. Raph was doing his best to hide his feelings from his family-- he hated showing his soft side sometimes.

It was very sweet for the bulky mutant turtle to say what he said to his family. He meant every word and didn't want them to die thinking he didn't care about them. Of course, Raphael cared. He may be hard as rock on the outside but he's soft and plush on the inside.

Osa coughed on the dust a little, flustering her wings every few seconds until Donnie reached down to the ground with his forearm. He allowed the golden eagle to step up and perch on his leathery scaled skin. She peeped at him.

"I thought you died." He says quietly to the feathered animal, feeling like he might have lost her. Don was starting to feel like Osa was more than a friend to him, but he didn't want to rush into things so quickly. In his heart, he knew that she was beginning to grow into someone special for him and his family.

𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚎𝚜 𝙸 ♡ (ᵗᵐⁿᵗ '14) 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝟷 ❪✓❫Where stories live. Discover now