A Little Mess Won't Kill Anybody (Pt. 1)

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Your POV:

Ash and I were snuggled up on our bed, mindlessly watching some reality TV show on my laptop. I had my head in their lap and she was playing with my hair while lightly humming, leading me to believe she wasn't really watching the show since she was humming over the words. I propped my head up a bit and placed a small kiss on Ashley's thigh, looking up at her afterwards to see a smile growing on their face, her eyes still fixed on the screen at the end of the bed. Wanting to gain more of her attention, I placed another small kiss, only briefly looking up through the corners of my eyes before kissing their thigh again a little bit further up this time. Ash let out a slight giggle and looked down at me as my lips lingered on her warm skin.
     "You feeling something, my love?" they spoke softly but with a knowing grin. She quickly composed a straighter face, trying to take me seriously, pushing my hair away from my eyes.
     "Mmm maybe... just a little..." I replied sheepishly.
Ash grabbed my face on either side, gently pulling up towards her, signalling for me to sit up and level with their height. I lifted myself to a kneel and she pulled me close into a deep kiss. I hummed against her lips and adjusted my body to sit in their cross legged lap with the front of our bodies pressed together and my legs wrapped behind her. Their hands snaked around my waist and I was holding their face with mine, caressing her cheeks with my thumbs.
     "And what is it that you're feeling, hmm?" Ash inquired in a cocky sort of tone, implying she already had the idea.
One of their hands trailed down to grab my ass while the other scratched my back ever so slightly. Her gaze never left mine and she waited intently for my response with a smirk forming at the corner of her lips.
     "Ugh! I'm all hot and bothered," I said in an exasperated sigh.
I dropped my head onto her shoulder and buried my face into their neck.
     "I just wanna be close to you and feel you-- all of you." I said in what was unintentionally almost a whine.
My hands were toying with the neckline of her top, occasionally dragging a finger along their collarbones. Ash brought her mouth to that spot just below my ear that makes my entire body feel like it could melt, and spoke,
     "We can do that, baby girl."
Their words spoke softly yet deeply into my ear sending chills throughout my body. I couldn't bear the tension that had built up between us so I lifted myself off their lap and rolled over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. I brought my hands up to my face and let out a pretty decent sized groan.
     "(Y/N) what's up? You alright?"
Ash lowered herself down to be on their side right next to me, her hand drawing circles onto my hip.
     "I mean I'm fine but I'm on my fvcking period! Mother nature really out here being the biggest c0ckblock you ever did see." I said in an annoyed tone. "Also, who the fvck decided I always have to be in the mood to fvck around when I'm menstruating? That's just rude! Can't wait 'til this cycle ends, honestly." I rolled my eyes before looking back at Ash.
I was confused as I watched her get up to straddle me. Ash leaned down to bring their mouth just about to touch mine and traced the waistband of my sweatpants with their fingers.
     "You know, babe..." her breath was hot against my face and my gaze darted back and forth between their lips and eyes as they continued. "I'm down if you are."
Ash moved to kiss my neck and shoulder a few times before moving back up to study my reaction. I was honestly taken aback a bit by her proposal.
     "But, wouldn't you-- won't it be a bit messy?" I asked with a cringe on my face.
     "Maybe, but if that's the only thing stopping us then why the fvck not? A little mess won't kill anybody, and it certainly won't stop me from making you feel good." She kissed me before getting off the bed to close and move the laptop. "We can put down a towel or just strip the bedding after and throw it all straight into the wash. The shower is also a thing..."
I sat up and my eyes followed her as she moved. "You sure? We really don't have to, babe. I can get over myself, honestly." 
Ash continued to clear up the bed area, grabbed a couple of towels and gestured towards the drawer that held our favourite toys. "You wanna pick your poison, my love?" They were being serious about this. How did I get blessed to be in a relationship with this beautiful specimen?
"Sh|it, okay." I replied in a 'wow, this is actually happening' kind of tone. I got up from the bed while they spread the towels out on the bed and picked out one of my favourite vibr|ators along with a beautiful rose quartz dil|do we found at a little hidden gem shop we came across on tour recently, which could honestly pass as just a crystal wand if we wanted to keep it on display.
"Here, babe. Figured the quartz might be good if things get a little messy, so there's less on your hands and we can just wash this after. Plus we haven't pulled this one out yet." I said while handing the toys over.
     "Honestly, (Y/N) I don't care if I get anything on me. We could do a round two in the shower if you're feeling up to it. But of course, I'll use whatever your little heart desires." She grabbed the toys and set them down by the end of the bed.
Ashley stood behind me and started kissing my neck. One of their hands snaked around my waist and the other trailed up to sneak under my top and sit just under my breast. They started to hum deeply right below my ear while planting more kisses and lightly sucking on my neck. I let my head fall back and rest against her shoulder, traced over the hands on my body with one of my hands and lifted the other to hold the back of their head, gently tugging on the hair at the nape of her neck. Ash hummed through a soft laugh when I let out a small involuntary moan.
My hands were grabbing at their body more desperately, trying to cling onto anything I could, as my desire for closeness became even stronger. We started backing closer to the bed and she turned me around by my waist, continuing until we were close enough for me to sit down and scoot myself to lay my head on the pillows. Ash followed closely the whole way, our faces never more than a few inches apart.
     "You're so fvcking hot, Ash. I can't ev-" I was cut off  and my breath hitched for a moment when she quickly leaned down and sunk their teeth into the space right where my neck and shoulder meet; not hard, but also not too soft. The sensation was enough to cause a brief sting and my stomach turned with excitement. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins and I was becoming increasingly needy in the best kind of way. The longing, anticipation, and lust I felt was clear as I pulled their face to mine to lock lips.
     "I'm gonna make you feel so good, baby. You just tell me what you need and I'll make sure we don't leave here till you're 100% satisfied, you hear me?" I nodded in response, not breaking eye contact.
Ash's hands dragged down my body and stopped at my waistband, both hands grabbing my sweatpants and I lifted my hips as they slowly pulled them off my hips down to my ankles. I used my feet to take my pants off the rest of the way and kicked them off the bed. I was still wearing my period underwear and a comfy tee with no bra, and Ash was unfortunately fully dressed. They had pyjama pants on and a white tank top. As soon as my bottoms were off, I pulled on the waistband of hers, hard, causing their body to collapse onto mine for a moment. Ash laughed softly while lifting back up off of her elbows, then rolled over to pull her own bottoms off and toss them aside before crawling back on top of me.
     "This too." I demanded as I lifted the hem of her tank, granting an immediate physical response from Ash, raising their arms so I could pull the top over her head.
     My hands automatically explored the figure unveiled before me, briefly cupping her breasts before grazing my fingertips up and down their back, leaving goosebumps behind, then resting my grasp momentarily at the small of her back. I kept my top on but Ash just pushed it up to reveal my breasts. They massaged at the right side and lowered their mouth down to the left, kissing and licking my nip|ple, then blowing cool air across it, eliciting an involuntary response as it hardened from the change in temperature. She did the same to the other side, then kneeled upright and scooted back to carefully pull my underwear down so as to not make a mess of anything. They cautiously placed them on the floor with the soiled side up and I got slightly embarrassed, hiding my face in my hands and closing my legs.
"Babe, did I really just watch you relocate my soiled underwear like a bio-hazard?" I said with my hands muffling my words a bit, but not so they weren't understood.
Ash crawled back over me once more, pulled my hands away from my face, and stroked my arm with the hand that wasn't supporting her weight. I relaxed under her touch to an extent, but still felt a little awkward. My hands absentmindedly played with the hair at the nape of their neck--seemingly a habit of mine--before she spoke gently but with a firm stance.
"(Y/N), I was only trying to keep things contained. I promise I'm not weirded out or turned off by seeing any of it. We both deal with this sh|it and I get it." They said rubbing my lower thigh and knee that was on top as I had my legs clamped closed and bent to the side.
After several more innocent-natured kisses, the feeling deepened to become more lustful yet again, and Ash slowly pulled my knee to the opposite side, leaving me splayed open for her. I was watching as they did this but felt like it would be less awkward if I just laid back and closed my eyes. Without seeing what was happening, I could feel there was a little bit of blood dripping from me and I took some deep breaths trying not to consider the unfamiliarity of this new experience. I was definitely feeling self-conscious but considered Ash's reminder that they were completely fine with what was happening, and was even the one who proposed it. They continued to use soft touches wherever my body was noticeably tense to put me at ease. I felt a towel quickly wipe me up and I opened my eyes to see Ash taking great care as they did so. She seemed so unbothered and genuine in her concentrated actions, and I didn't feel the need to avert my gaze any longer.
"Hey," I softly called my partner's attention. "C'mere." I said in a near whisper, beckoning Ash to bring their face nearer to mine.
They moved their body back up to align our eyes and lowered their forehead to mine. I gently gripped both her cheeks and pressed a long, innocent, closed kiss on their lips. After I had pulled away, she brushed a bit of hair out of my eyes, then planted quick kisses all over my face. The kisses gradually got longer, sloppier, and moved along my jaw, under my ear, down my neck, along my collarbone, then back to my neck where they turned from kisses to sucking and nibbling at my skin. Ash was supporting their own weight with one hand while her free hand wandered my body, from my chest down my stomach, and along the top of my thigh. The anticipation was building and I grabbed a fistful of their hair with one hand while letting out a low hum, closing my eyes and turning my head all the way to the side. I had a hand free resting up by my head but as soon as I felt a hand travel to my inner thigh, then make contact with my heat, my free hand quickly snapped down to grip the sheets, back up to grip the pillow, before finally decidedly staking claim to Ash's shoulder blade, my other hand still in her hair.
"Ohh, so that's what you wanted." I heard Ash proclaim mischievously with a smirk, slowly rubbing circles while studying my reactions.
"Mhmm..." was all I could make out in response, my breathing heavy and irregular.
I could feel Ash's hand expertly navigate my
body, somehow knowing when to switch from circles to strokes, fast to slow. They quickly wiped their hand on the towel and stopped to focus on kissing me again. The kissing was passionate, messy, broken as we stopped to bite lips and breathe in each other's air. I could feel myself growing needy, impatient.
"I need more..." I moaned out, not giving much useful information, though Ash knew what I meant.
They hummed in response and pulled out of the kiss, reaching for the toys at the end of the bed. She put the vibr|ator next to me where I could reach it, then got a grip on the dil|do, positioning it at my entrance. Sitting lower down my body now to have better control over her actions, Ash was just close enough to where I could hold their head in my hands and tug on their hair, but I couldn't reach any of them so I could reciprocate the intimacy. In this moment, the focus was only on me and my pleasure. I took my one hand that was previously on her back and managed to hold onto their hand that was supporting their body. As Ash slowly entered the cold quartz into me, that hand gripped tightly onto theirs while the other tightened the grip on her hair. I hummed another low tone as they began to slowly pull out and thrust back in again continuously.
     "Mmmm, the cold is n-" my words got caught before I could finish speaking, feeling a particularly deep thrust send chills through my body. "...it feels nice- is what... I was trying to... s-say." I finished my thought through ragged breaths between thrusts.
     Ash smiled, nodding slowly, then kept her chin raised with her eyes looking down at me seductively. Picking up the pace now, I could feel tension starting to build in the pit of my stomach. I let go of Ash's hand and grabbed the vibr|ator next to me, quickly turning it on and raising the setting slightly, knowing how I could easily be sent over the edge.  I placed it over my cl|it, bucking my hips up from the sensation. I rocked my body into Ash's thrusting, deepening the sensation and creating more friction with the toy in my grasp. Moans slipped from mouth and my ability to control my body was becoming limited. My arms wanted to go limp and I kept losing my place with the toy as my body was disobeying my intentions. Ash noticed the struggle and grabbed the vibe from me, taking full control.
     "I got you, babe. Just lean into it. Cvm for me, love." Ash spoke in a soft hum, beckoning my body into complete submission.
     I relaxed into the intensity as my breathing was hot, heavy, and in line with my motion. I occasionally held my breath, mouth falling open, letting out desperate sighs before gasping for air again. I could feel that I was right on the edge, about to teeter over into pure bliss.
     "Fvck, Ash... I fvcking love you. Sh|it... oh my g-god!" I huffed out words as best I could. "Please do not stop. Right fvcking there, babe."
     Ash was focused and deeply tuned in to my every movement and word. The thrusts slowed down into long deep pounding, as the vibe continued, Ash starting to slowly rub it in small, firm circles around the swollen bundle of nerves that craved exactly what she was doing.
     "I- I'm..." I couldn't possibly make more words out. My breath was caught, and I pulled hard on Ash's hair, directing them to abandon what they were doing and level our faces with one another. I didn't need them to be down there anymore; I needed their kiss. Our open mouths collided, sharing desperate kisses, tongues entangled. After a few kisses I was unable to kiss back, a tingling wave of heat encompassing my body as I felt a cli|toral org|asm take over my body. I buried my face in the crook of their neck, moaning into their sweat-slick skin.
     "Let go, baby" I felt the vibration in her throat against my mouth as Ash spoke.
     My low hums and moans became a sort of high squeal, all of the tension that had built up finally letting go as I completely fell apart beneath my partner, va|ginal org|asm following closely behind the wave that just overtook me moments before. My body tensed and shook, then went fully limp, my eyes closing and head falling back onto the pillow behind me. I paid no real attention as Ash was turning off the vibe and wiping both toys down with a second smaller towel. I felt myself get a couple gentle wipes from a towel as well, before Ash returned their body up next to mine. They kissed my shoulder as I tried to calm my breathing.
     "I love you so much, (Y/N)." Ash whispered softly into my ear. "You good?" They giggled slightly, watching as I struggled to regain my composure.
     "Better than good. Just need... a minute or two." I huffed out as I spoke with a slight chuckle.
     We stayed there for a good little while, cuddled together as I recovered from that double whammy I was just hit by.
     "That was wild. I'll be honest, that might've been stronger than normal. I don't totally know what just happened but I'm not mad at it." I laughed, recalling the events that just took place.
     Ash laughed with me before chiming in, "Babe, I'm just that good."
     I gave her a good joking punch on the arm before pulling them into a deeper hug, holding them captive in my grasp.
     "I'll return the favour. Just give me a bit." I promised.
     We stayed there in bed for maybe 15 minutes as Ash rested her head on my chest and gently stroked my arm, my hand softly combing through her hair. Obviously, the s|ex was great, but the moments after might be my favourite part. After sharing myself so intimately with my partner, it felt incredible just to hold one another in a loving state of understanding and genuine care for one another.
     "Shower?" Ash asked innocently.
     "Shower..."  I affirmed. "Your turn." I said suggestively, getting up and shooting a seductive glance as I started toward the bathroom...

*End of Pt. 1*

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