Chapter 3 : We're in trouble

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Alex was really happy, right at this moment. It had been pretty hard before. Coming out to his parents, fighting with them, fighting with Luke. Dying before he could achieve his biggest dream. Being alone in that dark room, thinking he would never see his friends again. Crying for what he thought was an hour, but was actually twenty-five years. Coming back as a ghost, only to be cursed by an another evil — and devilishly handsome — ghost. Being betrayed by his new crush. Almost being wiped from existence. But right now, in the arms of his bandmates, with the curse gone, he was the happiest he's been in a long time. He felt stronger, not that he was ever that weak, he thought. He was hugging Luke and Julie, who were both hugging Reggie too. They were laughing and jumping with excitement. They had finally played at the Orpheum, just like they'd always wanted!

They broke their embrace. A tear rolled down Reggie's face, Luke wiped it dry with his thumb.

— So what's the plan now, chief? Luke asked Julie with a big smile. I guess we could start writing an album now or something.

— Yeah and then we could even go on tour! Reggie added.

Julie's smile faded.

— Guys, I think we really need to talk. We're in trouble.

They all sat down while Julie told the three boys what had happened after they left the stage. She told them about that mysterious girl who fainted and who seemed to know who they were.

— What if more people figure out who you are? What if some people actually remember you? I mean, you guys told me you were getting pretty famous before you...

— Kicked the bucket? Reggie said, finishing her sentence.

Alex looked at Reggie with big eyes, as to tell him to shut up.

— I really love being in a band with you guys. I'm just really worried... It's getting pretty hard to explain how the whole hologram thing works, and keeping you guys secret. People are going to start asking questions soon.

The guys looked at each other with the sad realisation that she was right. Luke opened his mouth to say something, but he got interrupted by Julie's dad calling her. She promised them they would continue the conversation in the morning.

— We still don't know what all of this means, Alex said after Julie left. I mean, we can actually touch Julie now. Does this mean we get to touch anything, or anyone?

— Maybe people can see us now! Reggie said.

— I doubt it Regg'... Alex replied with a worried face. We're still dead, remember?

— Maybe my parents can feel me now, Luke said quietly as he got up.

Alex got up too and put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

— Luke, I don't think it's a good idea to go see them right now. Julie's right, we have to be careful. We should think about it first, before doing anything that could endanger us... again.

Luke sat back down on the ground, his back against the couch. He took his guitar and started playing with a few cords. Alex looked at Reggie, sitting on the couch, his head in the clouds again. Then he started pacing around the room, thinking about everything Julie said, about that glowing warm light that hit them.

— Are you practicing your model strut again? Reggie asked.

— Yeah, we're on the runway again, Luke added.

— Ok, look. This is another new change. You guys know I don't handle that well. And we still don't know why we're here! Questions keep adding up!

Luke and Reggie were starring at him. Alex sighed and walked to the door.

— Where are you going? Luke asked.

— I just... Alex replied, sighing. I need to clear my head and find some answers. Don't wait up.

Luke sat up but Alex poofed out. He looked at his friend next to him, and laid back against the couch again. He wasn't going to follow Alex and leave him alone all night.

— Do you want to play cards? Reggie asked after a couple minutes.

— Sure buddy... Let's just change out of these ridiculous clothes first.

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