Chapter 5 : Carlos

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The sun was rising. The golden glow was hitting Willie's hair as Alex and him were sitting on the beach. Alex thought he looked like an angel. He was an angel. He was so nice to him. Willie stayed with him all night, just listening to his every thought, helping him calm his anxiety and trying to come up with some answers. They just sat there, on the sand, until Alex calmed down.

— It's getting late... or well... early, Alex said as Willie laughed. I think I should get back to the boys.

— Yeah of course. I'll try to dig up some information about that girl at the show, if that'll help.

— Thanks Willie

— Anything for you, you know that, Willie said before poofing out.

Alex went back to the garage to find Luke and Reggie building a card tower. As he poofed in, the cards flew around the room. Disappointed, they both yelled. They had been working on it for more than an hour, after playing all kinds of card games. It's safe to say that life as a ghost is pretty boring when you can't sleep at all. They had finally succeeded in building a fourth level when Alex destroyed it. He apologized and told them he saw Willie who offered to help. Of course they were going to have to be careful as Caleb was probably still after them, but that was a problem they were going to have to deal with later. They just had to wait for Julie to wake up, so they could finish last night's discussion.

— Guys, I have a bad news and a good news, Julie said walking into the studio.

— Oh, good news first please! Reggie asked with a goofy smile.

— Oh, uh... You won't get the good news if I don't tell you the bad news first.

— Whatever, what's happening, Julie? Luke asked, approaching her.

Julie sat down to tell them what had happened after she went back home last night.

— So bad news is... My brother knows about you guys.

— WHAT?!? Alex screamed.

Luke went to his friend to comfort him. He stood by him, caressing his back gently, as Carlos poked his head trough the door.

— Julie? Are they here? Carlos asked his sister.

— Yeah, come in. I was just telling them the good news. That you weren't going to tell anyone, right?

— Right, Julie and I came to an agreement, Carlos said, walking around the room to find the ghosts. So how come I can't see them?

— We don't know yet, Alex replied.

— Alex says that we don't know yet, Julie interpreted. It's one of the many mysteries we still need so solve. Along with other problems. But right now, you have to get to school Carlos.

Julie pushed her brother out of the garage to have a moment alone with her bandmates.

— Okay guys, I know this is bad.

— Bad is not even CLOSE to defining what's going to happen if more people find out, Alex cried out. I get that you had to tell Flynn. But now your brother? And that girl at the Orpheum?

— I know, I know, Julie replied with a frown. But I promise you, I didn't say anything to Carlos. He figured it out on his own.

— Then it's only a matter of time before other people figure it out too, Alex said.

Luke looked at Reggie who was being really quiet. He felt that his friends were really upset about the situation and he didn't want to come between their argument. Luke knew his friend hated conflict, so he had to intervene.

— Guys come on, let's not fight please, he said. Let's take one problem at a time. Maybe we should keep a low profile for a while, so we don't give other people a chance to find out about us. And it would help us avoid Caleb too.

— Does this mean we won't make any music anymore? Reggie asked.

— Oh no, buddy, Luke reassured Reggie. We can still play music in the studio, right Julie?

— I think it's for the best, yes. At least for now. Look, guys... I really have to get to school now, but I left my computer on in my room. Do you think you could maybe try to do some research? I don't know, maybe you can find out something, anything, about our situation. Or maybe work on that girl problem?

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