Preface - Acknowledgements

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This book could not be possible without the following people. Consider this a thank you note for those who are tagged or mentioned here.

Thank you God, for allowing me to rediscover my passion in writing. I have written fanfictions before but due to the lack of ideas and motivation, I would delete/unpublish them within 3-4 chapters. I didn't know then that this was a normal situation, also referred to as "writer's block". I really appreciate that He helped me find this space to write again on Wattpad. 

Thank you:

Two Set Violin, for giving me the inspiration and motivation to write this book. Their amazing friendship and chemistry really touches me. Though knowing that this is a Eddy x Reader book, you will notice some prompts to include slight/elaborate details of their life that your/name (y/n) gets a glimpse of/is involved in. While I love them both, with recent controversies, I will stay solid and strong in my opinion that Brett and Eddy are eventually responsible to voice out important matters and that my portrayal of their characters may change in time, showing their usual selves in front of the camera, but also the sides that some fans want to see or are hoping to see the change. Trigger warnings will be added if sensitive topics are to be discussed or described in my chapters.

Zephyr, my in-real-life friend who is currently helping as editor-san (you could read their comments when you reread the chapter, italics in parenthesis are editor-san's remarks). They really give me concrete suggestions and discuss the better alternatives regarding sentence structures, prompt ideas and more. This book appears in a better light, thanks to them.

miez13, who has given me encouraging and little comments of the details of my story. Reading their one-shots fiction, "Short Mini Two Set Fluffs", has been a fun ride and some subtle clues in my story are inspired by their work.

Frizz_and_Lizst, CapriDoodlzgrey-rose_21, who are readers-turned-mutuals, three of which have commented on my chapters the most, leaving positive feedback and me crying behind the tablet while writing the angst/interesting prompts.

mstark89, for enthusiastically suggesting many creative prompts for me to write. To be honest, I opened up the "REQUESTS" section because I was having a writer's bloc as I mentioned and they really gave me very intriguing prompts so I enjoyed writing them (in the dedicated and pinned names, you should find them in Chapters 3a-3b and Chapter 7a-7b, still updating that lizst :)

Fellow readers, thank you for those who have added this short fiction into your reading lists, be it for Two Set or Eddy categories, these mean the same; to those who have voted, thank you for enjoying the chapters as much as I have found joy writing them; to those commenting, thank you for the amazing interaction. I love reading comments, so do put more feedback, good or bad, I'm all ears:)

The list may go on with more people who support my work and those that I know more as I write. Yet, I think it is best I leave it here to remind me of those that I have to be grateful for, should this book achieve higher success and popularity. I think I am doing fairly well so thank you again!

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