Chapter 5

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A few years go by and our kids have started primary school and it's fair to say hallie is sassy like her mum.

I wake up at 7:00 am as I have work and have to drop the kids off at school.

I head towards the shower and undress.

After my shower I head back to my room so I can get dressed. I change into a white crop top, blue pants, brown heels, and large white earrings with my bracelet and ring.

 I change into a white crop top, blue pants, brown heels, and large white earrings with my bracelet and ring

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I pull my hair into a messy bun and grab my Keys so I can go and wake up the kids.

I walk into Carter's room and he's still asleep so I jump on his bed and try and wake him up.

"Wake up sweetie you have school." I say

"I'm awake mum." He says

"Well get dressed." I say kissing his forehead and walking into Raquels room.

I sit down next to Raquel and caress his cheek trying to wake him up.

"Come on sweetie." I say

He gets up and heads into the shower so I walk out and go to hallies room.

"Hallie come on." I ask

"Mummy 5 more minutes." She says

"No get up now." I say

"Wait." She says getting angry at me

"Hallie listen to your mother." Giles calls out

She sighs and gets up heading into the bathroom.

I walk into the kitchen and begin making the lunches for the kids.

They walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table as they wait for me.

I grab their lunches passing them to them and put on their bags as we walk out the door.

We get into the car and I turn it on reversing out the driveway.

I arrive at their school a few minutes later and they get out shutting the door as I drive off towards the hospital.

"Hey loser." A girl says

"Just leave me alone puta." I say

"What did you call me." She asks

"Wouldn't you like to know." I smile

She looks at me angrily and walks Upto my face as I glare at her.

She slaps me and my brothers come running carrying me away

"I could have taken her." I say

"Hallie your 9." Carter says crossing his arms

"Mum would kill you." Raquel says

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