Chapter 15

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It's Saturday today meaning I'm graduating school.

I get up and head to the shower.

After showering I decide what to wear to school I go with a grey sweater top and blue shorts paired with a black bandana and white converses.

After showering I decide what to wear to school I go with a grey sweater top and blue shorts paired with a black bandana and white converses

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After I finish getting dressed I put foundation, eyeliner and lipstick on and head downstairs for breakfast.

I sit down and eat some pancakes that Raquel made.

"Can't believe your all graduating today." Raquel says kissing my forehead

"I know it's crazy." I say smiling.

After breakfast we all get in the car and head to school.

We get out of the car and head to our home class to grab our gowns.

I see Brady and run Upto him and I wrap my legs around his waist and he kisses my forehead.

"Hey love." He says

"Hey baby." I say smiling into his chest.

We go to the bathroom to change into our gowns and then head to the gym to take our seats.

I'm seated next to my brothers and have Brady behind me as well as Tana and Marlee.

The announcement starts and each person is called onto the stage.

My brothers names are called our first and I clap and smile at them as they get their certificate.

My name is called next and I stand up and walk towards the stage.

"Congratulations Hallie summers. The principal says with a smile.

"Thank you sir." I say moving my tassel and walking over to the other people.

Brady goes next and I blow him a kiss and he smiles.

"It is with pride that I congratulate Brady beck on graduating." Principal says

He walks over to me and lifts me up and I laugh.

"Congratulations to the class of 2027." He says as we throw up our hats into the air.

I see my parents sitting down smiling at us all and I blow them a kiss.

"That's my girl." My dad yells out and I giggle

"I'm so proud of you." My mum yells

After the ceremony we walk outside and say goodbye to all of our teachers.

"Congratulations Hallie I hope to see you go far." Miss Christina says with a smile.

"Thank you for always pushing me in maths class." I say getting teary and she hugs me.

"Hope to see you do well in life Hallie remember it might be hard but you can push through anything." Mr Wilson says to me with a smile.

"Thank you sir. I say shaking his hand and heading over towards my other teachers.

After I finish saying goodbye to all of my teachers we get in the car and head out for dinner.

Brady sits next to me and the rest of my family is spread out across the table.

"I'm proud of all of you." My mum says kissing all of our foreheads.

All my brothers smile and I love how affectionate they are towards her.

"Thank you mum." They all say in unison.

"And to my two babies Tyler and Avery I'm so very proud of you two. You will do great things." She says to us and everyone claps.

"I may not be your mum Vincent, Cody, Jake and Tyler but I'm proud of you all." She says kissing their foreheads.

Our dinner comes and we all laugh and talk about what school has been like over all our years of schooling.

I tell my parents how hard it was moving from Primary school to an American high school and how difficult it was but I met my two best friends sitting in front of me and they smile.

"I'm proud of you sweetheart ." My dad says kissing my forehead.

"I remember when this was me and Avery your mum." My dad says

"Thank you dad." I say smiling

After dinner we head back home and have a movie night all together before we all pack for college.

I was sad that my brothers friends are all going to different colleges from me due to their sports and career choices but I was proud of them.

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