Chapter 8

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I could feel myself getting turned on by our kiss. I slowly pulled him closer to me and I grabbed hold of his hair.

I stopped the kiss and look into his eyes and smiled. My arms trailed along his shoulders and his chest. Brady breathed heavily into my face and I could smell his minty fresh breath which was intoxicating with his cologne.

"Babe." I say without realising and I put a hand over my mouth.

"Yes sweetheart." He says back to me with a smile.

"You didn't need to say sorry about my face I know it's bad at the moment." I say to him with a sad smile.

"It's not that bad your still gorgeous." He says with a smirk making my heart explode. What was this weird feeling that I get from him.

Is it love? No it can't be love we only just met earlier today it wouldn't make sense I thought. It had to be lust it's just his looks and the way he says things I've never been in love.

I looked deep into his eyes trying to figure out this feeling I get from him and I got nothing. All I know is I need to be around him when we're apart I feel broken and lonely without his touch.

His smile his gorgeous smile makes my heart flutter and I can't help but smile back at him.

The way he kisses me makes my heart explode into a million pieces. Like the world stops moving when our lips connect.

His eyes make me laugh and want to always be close to him. I could get lost in his beautiful silver eyes.

And his body makes me wanna never leave or be apart from him. I yearn for his affection it makes me go crazy.

Music starts playing over the speakers meaning it's now 4:00 am and people will slowly start showing up for the gym. Brady spun me around as we danced together before anyone got here.

He looked into my eyes and pulled me closer to him. I kissed him gently which surprised him but he returned the kiss and deepened our touch.

I let go and let him pull me closer to him and keep the passion he placed his hand on my butt and massaged my hands through his thick curly black hair. He moaned and smiled down at me.

"Come on bathroom." He says to me with a smile as he lifts me up off the seat and carry's me to the bathroom. I laugh uncontrollably and he smiles at me.

We get to the bathroom and he lifts me effortlessly onto one of the counters. He spreads my legs and stood between them. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me gently.

He stopped our kiss and began kissing my cheeks, then moving down my neck and the top of my sports bra.

He began sucking the bit of skin there and a moan escaped my lips. He moved his lips onto my neck and back onto my lips.

I kissed him deeper and pulled his hair making him moan. I pushed myself closer to him and up against him making him moan louder.

I smiled while I kissed him. I began to kiss his neck and I left trails of kisses down to his chest making him moan. I put my hand at the top of his shorts and my hand brushed it making his friend excited.

I broke the kiss losing breath. I stared at his amused and I looked into his eyes. I never even noticed until now they had a hint of blue in them as well.

I barely knew him but our kisses felt like we had known each other for years I felt electricity every time he touched me.

We had been in this bathroom for almost an hour now it was almost 5:00 am. He lifted me down and smiled. We walked towards the bathroom door and he smacked my ass making me smile as we walked out we went our separate ways as I finished my session.

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