Chapter Sixteen: The Park

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Chapter 16

Brooke’s POV

I sat down on my plush sofa and picked at my kettle popcorn. I had nothing better to do so I turned on E! News.

      I stared at the lady with bleach blonde hair and an obvious spray tan. She said,

      “Harry Styles and Taylor Swift seen at bar. Sources say that Harry and Taylor were seen kissing and seem to be dating. We give them two thumbs up; they make a great couple. More on this story after the break!”

             I threw my remote at the T.V. and it collided with a thud. Hannah came bursting into my room, with a lamp in her hand.


“Hannah oh my gosh calm down! I just threw the remote at the T.V.”

             “Oh good I thought I was actually going to have to hit someone with this lamp.”

What was wrong with her?

      “Well you can leave now everything’s ok.”

“Wait a second, why’d you throw the remote at your perfectly normal T.V.?”

             “Because I was bored.”

She gave me this weird look and walked out of my room.

      I went up and looked at my calendar. I only had a week left here. In a way that was good because Hannah would finally be out of my hair for good, but then I would be leaving Niall. And Harry.

I grabbed my phone off my bed and sent a quick text to Niall.

      Hey want to go to the park?

I saw him respond immediately,

      Sure, pick you up in 10?


The park was almost empty except for a few people including Niall and me.

             He dragged me over to the teeter-totter and sat on the other end waiting for me to get on.

We went up and down for quite awhile. Niall flashed me his smile from the other side and I responded with a giggle.

      I felt so free, so…infinite.

We finally slowed to a stop to let a little girl get on. Niall helped me off and carried me to the swings.

Finding My Way Back- Sequel to: My Dad Brought Home Harry Styles...Where stories live. Discover now