Chapter 6 - The Fool And The Foolish.

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The day passed just like that. Cortney caught up to me as i was heading out the school.

"Do you ride the bus, or do you have a car?" She asks casually.

"I... I walk." I say while staring at my feet.

"Oh so you live close to the school?" She looks at me curious.

"Not really." I say quite embarrassed.

"So like, how far is it?" She asks worried.

"T-two miles." I say in a rather hushed shy voice. Her eyes widen looking at me like I'm insane.

"How long have you been doing this?" She asks in her worried voice again.

"T-two years..." I say fast but quiet.

"O.M.G You're ridding with me today. I'm going to drive you home you crazy son of a..." She says chuckling.

"I can't ask you to do that!" I say feeling bad.

"You didn't, I'm telling you, you have to, you don't have much of a choice mister." She says as she begins skipping down the hall to the door ahead of me. She leads me over to the car and motions me into the front seat. Its a really nice car. It has a sleek yellow orange color to it, and it matches her hair.

"Alright tell me the direction to your house." She says in a demanding voice. 

While on the way to my house i sigh in relief. To that Cortney shot me a weird look.

"Everything okay Harv?" She asks looking worried.

"Yup, I'm just relieved I'll be able to start dinner earlier today." I say with joy written all over my face.

"YOU COOK TOO?! I think I'll marry you. You're the perfect package!" She screams. Which makes me laugh very hard and i nod.

"You gotta cook something for me sometime." She says in a serious tone. Boy i guess she really loves her food.

"Sure thing... Its the least i can do." I say beaming a smile.

After what seems like a short drive we arrive at my home.

"That was certainly quicker than running." I chuckle. "Thanks for the ride Cortney." I finish before heading over to the door.

"See ya Harv!" She says as she pulls out of the curb and drives off continuing in the same direction.

I cook dinner, shower then head off to bed. I fell asleep almost instantly... Today was a good day.

When i woke up i felt a lot better than i had in the past week. I was able to move around without always receiving a sharp pain in return.

I pack a extra breakfast and lunch in case Cortney wants any. I head off to school with nothing but Cortney on my mind. Whenever I'm with her, i feel way more confident. Hopefully she'll want to become my friend, though i won't hold my breath. I walk into the school and immediately begin searching for her. After a few minutes of looking i find her at her locker.

"H-hey Cortney" I say shyly behind her before lifting up my hand to give her a little wave. She quickly turns around she looks surprised and happy to see me.

"Hey Harv, what's up?" She asks while taking things out of her locker.

"May i a-ask you something?" I question nervously.

"Sure, fire away." She tilts her head, curious.

"I... would you... like to... uh that is... would you want to be my friend?" I huff the last part quickly. She began chuckling, though i don't really know why. Was my question that unacceptable or was it something else? I began getting worried.

"I thought you were asking me out at first" She says after shes finished chuckling. "You don't have to ask to be my friend. We became great friends yesterday." She says leaning in and hugging me. I can't believe it. I actually have a friend. This is the best feeling ever! The people around are looking at us in shock again like yesterday, probably surprised i made a friend. Or maybe cause i spoke.

After we left her locker and continued down the hall I told her about the extra breakfast and lunch i packed while following close behind. She hopped in excitement

"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked curious.

"Yeah, but I can always eat." She said with a giggle. With that she lead me into the cafeteria to eat breakfast with her. I opened up my back pack and pulled out out breakfast. Its egg rolls, fries, ketchup and biscuits. A common breakfast, nothing fancy. She sure didn't seem to think so. She bit into a fry and started squirming as if she were having an orgasm. She continued with the food bitting into an egg roll next. The look on her face sent me into a frenzy of laughter. 

"It can't be that good, can it?" I ask still laughing.

"Pfft stop being so modest. This is better than anything I've eaten in a long time." She says going to town on the food. Hearing those words almost made me tear up.

We got done with our breakfast quite fast and headed off to our first class. The teacher, Mr Halison gave the class a history lecture asking students random questions seeing if we'd know the answer. I never bothered to raise my hand cause i prefer not to speak. I just turned my head to the window, though i was in the row next to the one at the window. I still enjoyed looking outside though. Mr Halison asked a question as he slowly began walking down the rows of desks. Everyone who raised their hand got it wrong. When he got up to where i sat, the middle row all the way at the back of the class room, he called my name. I jumped at the sound waking from my day dream and the class began laughing. 

"Uh, sir could you repeat the question?" I asked flustered.

"In what year did America land on the moon?" It was a fools question, and I'm surprised no one in the class knew the answer, I should be laughing at them. I unintentionally snorted out loud and received weird looks from the class.

"Uh that would be July 1969 sir." I answer looking back to the window.

"Correct." He says looking defeated. He seemed to want to make a fool of me.

"You should learn to participate in class more Mr Harvey." He says sternly before beginning to walk away. I decide to have a little fun and respond, which is something I never do.

"That would be no fun Mr Halison. I'd get every answer right before anyone has time to respond." I say blatantly while continuing to look out the window. I hear gasps coming from the students. They're all surprised someone spoke back like that let alone it being me.

"Alright, if you really think you're so smart answer this. I mean surely you'll know the answer." He says smirking. He began asking the question, i realize what he's going to ask, it being a much harder than the previous question. It wasn't very common either, so around ninety percent of people would give the wrong answer if my estimate is correct. That just shows he's trying to make a fool of me. Though it was still an easy question for me. His smirk growing wider thinking he had one over on me. The students look between me and Mr Halison as if watching a fierce showdown. I respond answering his question before he can even finish asking it. The look he gave me was terror, like he was afraid of me.

"C-correct." He says clearing his throat, feeling a bit embarrassed after trying pick a fight with me. With that the bell rang. I simply walked out not saying another word. Oh boy what have i done... I shouldn't have upset him like that. Though all the teachers here really deserve payback from me after the way they've treated me these past two years.

---In the next chapter; Cortney calls one of her friends to the table to try Harveys cooking. How will she react?---

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