chapter twenty three

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"do they still drug test you gray?" Alice asked from the backseat of owens car, grayson was in the passenger seat while owen drove.

"Until i turn 18" grayson answered and rolled his eyes, obviously not enthused by it.

"Do you mind me asking why?" Alice put her head in her hands and rested her elbows on her knees, her long black hair glowing around her.

"i uh - abused a couple drugs for a bit, OD'd a couple times" grayson said, his gaze turning to alice and watching as she tried to play off the concerned look.

"Prescription?" She asked, leaning in the front to switch a CD.

"Xanax, Morphine, Clonazapine and fentanyl. In that order I think, never at the same time" grayson answered, slightly fidgeting.

"how long ago?" Alice asked, pulling out bottles of water and passing them to the boys.

"since the accident, so nine months I think" grayson laughed as Alice praised him, the cars zooming past them on the highway.

20 minutes of peaceful driving and simple chatter passed, a long boring drive. Alice had offered to switch but owen declined, saying that he enjoyed it.

"Owen, O! I think a cops trying to pull you over" alice nudged owen, grayson looked behind him and saw the car flashing it's red and blue lights.

"Shit i wasn't doing anything!" Owen pulled over to the side of the road and placed his hands immediately on the steering wheel with his palms open.

The first officer got out of the car and slowly walked over, his long gait throwing off his slow pace. He stopped outside owens window and gestured for him to roll down the window.

The second officer walked over to graysons side, knocking on the window with annoyance. Owen rolled down both windows slowly and carefully, once he did that he put both hands back on the steering wheel.

"Do you know why we pulled you over?" The office beside owen asked, his voice rough and muffled through his thick beard.

"No sir, I do not." Owen answered, his breath shaky as he looked at the officer with fear in his eyes.

"License and registration, also I'm going to need you to pop the trunk" he ordered, his partner still silent as he looked around inside as far as he could see.

"Yes sir, I'm reaching across to the passenger side glove compartment" owen narrated as he reached over and pulled out the papers.

"POP THE TRUNK!" The second officer yelled,a small squeal of surprise from Alice squealed with surprise.

"Right now, sorry sir" Owen answered quickly and popped the trunk. The sounds of bags being moved and thrown could be heard from inside the vehicle.

Grayson had no idea what owen had in the back, as far as he knew it was just grocery bags and old clothes.

"I'm going to need you to step out of the car"  the officer ordered, his hand resting on his gun as he stared dramatically at the three teenagers.

Alice immediately without thinking opened the door and hopped out quickly, obeying the officer when he told her to stand off to the side.

Owen got out of the car with his hands up, walking past the officer around the car to the backseat where graysons wheelchair was.

"Get out of the car" one of the officers ordered grayson, who was shaking as his vision blurred.

"Can't" grayson answered, gesturing to himself and flinching when the door swung open.

"Shit, Jake! Switch kids with me I can't handle this" the officer with grayson yelled to his partner, who was watching alice carefully.

"Can't handle what?!" The partner stomped over and looked at grayson, shock on his face.

"Jesus the kids like 90 pounds, grab him and put him next to the girl" he rolled his eyes and then walked over to owen, pulling his hands behind his back and forcing him to the ground.

Without asking the cop leaned into the car, he smelled like strong cologne and a musty car. The cop pretended to check something on the divers side, reaching one hand over and hovering the other one very close to graysons lower stomach.

His hand then traveled further, touching the lowest part on graysons body and clenching for something that wasn't there.

It was an out of body experience, grayson felt as if he was watching it happen from above.

"I've never gotten a blowie from a cripple" the officer harshly whispered in his ear before wrapping his arms around grayson and lifting him up.

His hands rubbed graysons back, massaging his neck and then quickly moving them when he turned around and put grayson down beside Alice.

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