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A/N: Haoting and Shigu had been dating for almost a year.


Shigu parked his scooter at the regular place, a bit further from his faculty. When the weather is nice, he parks there.

He likes walking through the varsity lake, it's calming.

His life now is better than he could have imagine. His tuition fee is being being covered by the scholarship, as long as he maintained high CGPA every semester.

Haoting's Dad pays for their rental under the condition that they will pay him back with interest starting from their first salary after graduation.

His lesson is not as difficult as he anticipated, but then, this is only the first semester.

His day to day is quite similar to a year ago, only now he is studying in university instead of highschool. He works with Zhigang after his class, now supervising new staffs since the shop got bigger mid of last year. He only knows Sunbo is now the co-owner. That gorilla's family is richer than anyone expected. He's happy for Zhigang-ge.

Zhigang-ge even offers to pay him with full time staff benefit. Shigu doesn't have to work at the bar at night anymore to make extra money.

Whenever Haoting is back during the weekend, Zhigang allows Shigu to be flexible with his off days. Whenever he needs to take Saturday and Sunday off, he will work extra hard to make sure no problem arise when he is away. Making sure the stocks is enough and the schedule is strictly followed. The staffs knows that and they happily cooperate.

None of the staff is making problem so far.

Life is good.


'Sorry, I can't be back in Taipei this week.'

Shigu read the message. The same message 4 weeks in a row. He is looking forward to tomorrow but he understands how hectic things are. This is the first time they're experiencing the crazy final week before the exam. He tried his best for all his continuous assessment projects. Now only the final exam left to conquer.

There are barely enough time for him to get a proper sleep because his mind is busy. He often fell asleep late, laying wide awake in bed for hours before sleepiness claimed him. The bed feels empty with just him. He reads and do his assignment in bed, scattering them to fill every empty spaces.

'It's okay. Do your best! :) ' . He replied to the message.

This month is very stressful. Coursework, viva, and lab is eating his time longer than he had ever experienced.

He makes a few friends, but not too close. He don't want want any problem to rise. It is hard enough to maintain their long distance relationship with unnecessary drama.

Some of them dropped by to the cafe and hang out while doing their assignment. But that's pretty much it.

He did not accept any of the invitation to hang out outside of the university or the cafe.

He keeps his weekend free only for Haoting. If Haoting couldn't make it, he will work at the cafe.

Haoting is very opened about it. He happily updates their photos on his social medias. Shigu doesn't mind it, but he is not using any of them actively. All the photos are tagged by other people, especially Haoting.

He scrolled his Facebook. Looking at the latest photo on his wall.

'' Happy Saturday!'' A photo of their weekend last month. At home. Cuddling on the sofa.

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