Meeting Adaline (Edited)

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Adaline and Seokjin will be here in a few hours. Such a pretty name. My mom is here helping Yoongi and I with the last-minute baby proofing. I'll come home drunk one night and be tripping over gates and toys, I can see it already. My mother is very excited to see Adaline again. Last time was when she was born, and my parents flew to Texas to meet her. They didn't meet Seokjin, he was going thru the vetting process at the time. You don't see too many male nannies, at least I haven't. I'm sure I have slept with a few. I flew to the states when Adaline was about 6 months, but I didn't meet Seokjin and the baby won't remember me. 

 We are sitting around the living room nervously waiting when there is a knock at the door. My dad opens the door and Ken walks in first and behind him holding the most adorable little girl is the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid eyes on. "Fuck." I heard Yoongi say under his breath. "Jack, Mia this is Adaline and Seokjin", the lawyer says. "You can call me Jin", he says shaking my dad's hand and hugging my mom. He hands Adaline to my mom, and I notice his smile is dazzling. I can see my mom starting to break down, because she looks like my brother.

 The nanny looks over at us, and his smile almost made me drop to my knees to thank God a man like this exists. The Lawyer leads him over to us. "Jin this is Jungkook, Jae's brother and the legal guardian of Adaline", Ken says. "Nice to meet you Jungkook", he says, shaking my hand. "This is my best friend Yoongi, he lives here too. I hope that is okay", I say still shaking his hand. "As long as he is good too Adaline and you trust him, I'm okay with it", he says, pulling his hand away. He walks back over to my mom and hugs her again as she cries, my dad has Adaline and he is acting like such a grandpa, I find myself smiling. 

I walk over and ask him if I can hold her. He gladly sets her in my arms. "Hi Adaline, it's very nice to see you again", I say nervously. She smiles and places her hand on my cheek. "She likes you. We call her Adi", Jin says. God, his voice is making me melt, how will I be able to live with this man and not want him every second. I can see the coldness in his eyes when he looks at me, but that smile makes my stomach do flips.


This house is really nice. Way bigger than Jae and Lizzies. Jungkook is fucking gorgeous, much better than his pictures Liz showed me. Unfortunately, Jae and Liz told me all about him being a drunken fuck boy. It's a shame that someone who looks like that wastes it on acting like an immature buffoon. I'm impressed that he is a COO of a company though, I'm sure his father lets him off the hook a lot. Yoongi seems really sweet, I wonder if he is a drunkard too. "Jin let me take you upstairs and show you the nursery and your room", Jungkook says. "Sure", I say following him. "If you want to change anything in your room, please feel free. There isn't much in there because we weren't sure what you had", Jungkook says leading me into the room. 

"Wow its huge, I don't even know what to do with all this room", I laugh. "You have your own bathroom too", he says. "Wow, thank you so much Jungkook, this is more than enough", I say bowing. He then shows me Adi's room. "Wow this is beautiful", I say in awe. He chuckles and I look at him and smile, "what." "My mom did this room. I dont get any credit", he confesses. I laugh, "well it's still really nice." "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the house", he says. I follow him and he shows me his room and Yoongi's room and he has 2 guest bedrooms aside from mine and Adi's rooms.

 He takes me back downstairs and shows me the media room and the kitchen. I am in heaven, turning in circles looking at the massive kitchen. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait to cook in here. Why don't I cook for everyone tonight, kind like a welcome dinner", I ask. "But you are the guest, why would I make you cook", Jungkook says. "You're not making me, I want to", I tell him. "If that's what you want, then by all means have at it. I'll let everyone know", he says walking out. I go thru the cabinets and fridge to see what he has, and what I can come up with.


"Hey, Jin wants to make us all dinner tonight", I say walking into the living room. "Oh how sweet, but he's probably exhausted", my mom says. "He insisted", I say sitting down next to my mom and Adi. "I actually have to go, but if everyone is good I will check back later", Ken said while standing to leave. I call Taehyung to see if he will be here soon, he said he was on his way. Then my phone dings..

Chang - Hey, lets get wasted tonight, I need to get laid.

Jk - I cant right now, but i'll get out after dinner. I'll text you and we can meet up.

  I shouldn't leave, its Jin and Adi's first night here. Its no big deal as long as they are settled in. I can say I have a meeting that came up unexpectedly. Just then Tae walks in, "Where is this beautiful little girl I've heard all about." "Shhh, she sleeping", my mom scolds him. "Where is her nanny", he asks. "In the kitchen making us dinner", Yoongi says. "On the first night, Jungkook what the fuck", Tae asks "It was his idea, not mine", I defend myself. I see Tae head toward the kitchen to check out the new nanny, shaking his head.


"Hi there", I say, seeing him jump a bit. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I'm Taehyung", I introduce myself. He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. "Hi Taehyung, I'm Jin, it's very nice to meet you", he says with confusion on his face. "Oh sorry, I am one of Jungkook's best friends. I stay here from time to time, and you can call me Tae", I tell him. "Okay Tae", he giggles. "Do you need help with anything, I can't really cook but I am good at getting things", I ask. "Sure would you like to cut the fruit up for the dessert", he asks.

 I am mesmerized but his beautiful dark brown eyes. "I would love too. Just tell me how you want them cut", I say. After he explains he turns back to the stove and I can't help but to look at his body.  My god, I could eat him up. We talk getting to know each other. He tells me about his time in the US and about Jae and Liz. I am having the best time talking to him, and he's so funny. Hi laugh is so endearing. "So you are going to school to be a chef, that's what the lawyer told us", I ask. "Yea I go two nights a week. I was glad I could transfer my credits from the states to here", he says. "Well whatever you are making it smells amazing. I can't wait to try it", I say sniffing the air. 

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