Chapter 1

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It was a hot summer in June. Y/n, Alex, Alan and their parents are on the beach. Y/n and Alex were arguing about something. Alex was chasing
Y/n as she ran away from him.
They were seven years old. Best friend. Joined from the hip.
' why do you want to marry me Alex?'
Y/n yelled, running.
' so that I can kiss you whenever I want! ' Alex yelled, pulling Y/n's arm and turning her around. He pecked her lips and smiled at her.
' ew Alex! ' Alan said, catching up with them.
' he just kissed me!' Y/n yelled, shocked.
' please don't tell anyone! ' Alex said.
' too late! ' Y/n yelled, running away once again.

8 years later

Y/n and Alex were 15 now. And still best of friends. They don't know what they would do without each other.
Alex, Alan and Y/n,the trio. The inseperable.
It was a typical Tuesday night. The trio was having a sleepover at Y/n's place. They were baking cookies that Y/n's parents came home.
' hey mom! Hey dad!' Y/n said, hugging her mom and dad.
' hey Y/m/n ( your mother's name)! Hey Y/d/n ( dad's name)!' the twins greeted.
' Y/n can we talk for a minute?' Y/n's mom said. She looked at her dad, confused.
She gestured the twins to take care of the cookies. They gave her a thumbs up and with that,she went to her living room with her parents.
After about 10 minutes, she came out, shouting,' why didn't you guys tell me? And what makes you think I'm leaving?'
Alan and Alex looked at her with confusion on their faces. She stormed upstairs and slammed the door of her room,which made the twins flinch.
Y/n's parents came out and told them that they were moving to New York.
Sadness suddenly filled their eyes. They went to her room and knocked.
' do not come inside or I swear to god!' Y/n sobbed.
' you know the door is unlocked right?' Alex said, smirking a little.
He heard her curse. Alan opened the door and they went inside, locking the door behind them. There she was,on her bed, crying her eyes out. They could literally see her shaking from all the sobbing.
' hey! Oh my god Y/n!' Alex said, walking towards her bed, hugging her. Alan too, sat near them, rubbing Y/n's back. They stayed like that for some time.
' hey now...shhhh stop crying ok?' Alan said, wiping her tears. She sniffled and looked down, trying hard to stop the tears. Nothing was helping.
Tears flowed down the cheeks of the three best friends, thinking about how they would live without one person that made their day better.
Well, Alan and Alex thought so. Alex had feelings for Y/n since he stole her first kiss. ( Cliche I know) and he couldn't stand the thought of Y/n leaving. Alan knew that and felt bad for his brother. After calming down, they went to sleep. This was the first time in their lives that they hadn't had movie marathons and stupid cooking competitions at night whenever they came to Y/n's house.
Y/n had to leave next week. They had very little time left.
After finals, they had their last sleepover. Most of the stuff was in boxes. They hadn't even thought in their dreams that this would happen.
They loved Y/n and just..... Couldn't stand it.
Currently, they were sitting in Y/n's room, watching the notebook.
Y/n paused the movie and turned to the twins.
' guys.... I'll leave tomorrow.... I just... I don't know... How's it gonna be..... I'll never find friends like you guys.... I- oh god I'm.... I.... I love y- you guys s-s- so much and... I oh my god! ' she broke down again. They had a group hug and all of them just talked about memories. Alan teased y/n and Alex about their first kiss. They talked and talked till sleep took over their bodies.

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