Moonflower left Jungkook with Yoongi a few moments later after her husband had arrived to interrupt their conversation with some pressing business that required Jungkook's assistance. She was now on her way to the kitchen with her guard. She breezed through the doorway a few moments later to catch, Jimin, the head chef, busy at work adding the finishing touches to her dinner.
"Jimin! Dinner smells fantastic! As usual. Can you please put some of each dish onto a tray so that I can take it to two of my closest friends?"
Jimin smiled and nodded, relieved that he always cooked more than necessary for the king and queen. He never knew when Moonflower's generosity was going to extend far and wide. After just over a week with her as his overseer, he had learned that she had a very soft heart and liked to bless her friends with his culinary talents.
"I will get that done right away. I will have a servant take it to wherever it needs to go."
"No, no," she waved her hand carelessly. "Baram and I will take it to them. You have your hands full already. The king will be expecting his dinner in a few minutes."
Jimin quirked an eyebrow in surprise. "In that case, I will prepare the tray myself immediately."
Moonflower smiled at the young man. He was a true gem. And his food was simply amazing. She just knew Jina was going to love it.
The most magnificent meal arrived twenty minutes after Jungkook had left Jina alone. It was brought to her by Moonflower herself. She hadn't wanted to send a girl into the guards' quarters. And she had not wished to enlighten the male servants to Jina's whereabouts. Or who she was staying with.
When the queen arrived with the food, Jina's eyes grew wide. Moonflower had brought a veritable feast.
"Your Royal Highness, what on earth did you bring me?"
"Half the kitchen, apparently. I'm trying to make up for the past. I hear you haven't been treated well."
Perplexed, Jina frowned at her.
"Jungkook said you've been eating the crumbs off my table."
Jina rolled her eyes. "He misunderstood me. I just told him I don't get to choose what I eat. Something is brought to me, and I eat it."
Moonflower stared in the direction of the younger girl. "Still...I wanted you to have something you would enjoy today. So I brought you a variety. Please eat anything and everything that tempts you."
Jina stared at it. "It all tempts me. But, Your Highness, you shouldn't be here! I don't want to make you sick!"
Moonflower smiled at the dear girl. "All right. I will leave then. But as soon as you are well, we'll have your wedding in our private rooms. I am so happy you've agreed to marry Jungkook!"
The queen was speaking as though Jina had a choice. Which she didn't.
"It was either marry him or be flogged, I think."
Moonflower's face twisted in pain. "Your reputation would be in tatters if you didn't marry him."
"I know, but it's not fair! I didn't do anything wrong!"
"Neither did Jungkook. But, unfortunately, this is how our world works. However, you have ended up truly blessed, Jina!"
Puzzled, Jina furrowed her brow. "Why do you say that?"
"Jungkook is a very honorable man. He's a good man."
"He's a boy!"
"He is young, but he has proven himself for years. He has been one of Yoongi's best friends since childhood, and he has been very faithful to my husband. He is also a fierce warrior. He fought in the war when he was only twelve years old and received several commendations. He is very well-respected. And not just by Yoongi, but also by many of the elders."
Jina sighed. "He has a wicked temper, though."
Moonflower nodded. "That's his only flaw, from what I've heard." She smiled knowingly. "And I know someone else who has a wicked temper..."
Jina sighed. "I know. I think, in this respect, at least, we are a match. But what a terrible match!"
"No, no," the queen rushed to assure her, "you are both a match in many ways. You are fiercely loyal just like he is. You would both fight to the death for someone you loved. You are also as clever as he is. You both have kind hearts. You stick up for the weak. So does Jungkook."
Jina stared at her. "He does?"
"Oh, yes," Moonflower nodded sagely. "Yoongi has told me several stories. Jungkook has rescued more than one person in peril."
She took a deep breath then exhaled slowly. "He'll be back soon. The king sent him on an errand. But Jungkook will be joining you for dinner. That's the other reason I brought this much food. But you get first choice. If you act quickly anyway!" Moonflower grinned at her. "Enjoy! Hopefully, I'll see you tomorrow for a wedding."
Then she slipped out the door to join her guard before heading back to her rooms.
Jina locked the door behind her and then turned to stare in awe at all the beautiful food the queen had brought to a girl who a week ago had been a simple chambermaid. What a reversal of fortunes! It all looked so good that she didn't even know where to start. She considered waiting for Jungkook, but then her stomach grumbled angrily at her. She gave in to its pressure and took a bite of chicken and rice.
She closed her eyes as she savored it. She was already in seventh heaven. Is this how the king and queen ate every day? Suddenly, she was quite jealous. But upon reflection, she was just thankful that the queen had taken a liking to her. Somehow, Jina had found amazing favor with Moonflower. This meal was certainly proof of that.
Jina found herself earnestly expecting Jungkook's return to their chamber. She wanted to share this bounty with him. After all, she had him to thank for it too. He had gone straight to the queen to request a special meal be sent to his fiancé. Jina felt her heart melting as she considered his odd kindness to her. Maybe marrying Jungkook wouldn't be so bad after all.
FanfictionDid she not realize that her lips had nearly grazed his? He had noticed. She was a scant centimeter away from him. If he moved his head ever so slightly, his lips would brush hers. He had to admit the temptation was great. Except... ...he had th...