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Ahsoka's POV

Master Skywalker called me to the briefing room on our Venator-Class Star Destroyer. I sat up in bed and looked to the other side of the mattress. I forgot that Axle was sent on a patrol mission a few days ago. I know it's against the Jedi code to have attachments, but I miss sleeping with him. It felt so soothing and made us not feel alone. I grabbed my clothes from the closet and walked into the refresher. I splashed water on my face to wake me up and got dressed. 

I walked into the briefing room where Master Skywalker and Captain Rex were waiting. I noticed ARC Captain Chase was there as well. That was weird. Why would Chase be here? Isn't he supposed to be waiting for Axle to return from his patrol? "What's going on?" I asked. Anakin looked nervous, "We've lost contact with Axle's patrol near the border of Separatist space." I looked over to Chase with a worried face, "What happened?" Chase looked down and sighed, "Everything was going according to plan. Axle and the boys were doing their routine recon until the comms went silent. We weren't being jammed. It was like the comms just snapped. Like the line was cleanly cut." I looked back at Anakin, "We need to find him." "We're already on route to his last known location. You and me are going to take our starfighters on point while Rex and Chase will command the fleet."

I ran to the hangar and over to my starfighter. R7 was already ready to go. R3, Axle's droid, was beeping his little head off. I pat him on the head, "Don't worry. We're going to get him back." He shook happily as I climbed into my starfighter. 

Anakin jumped into his fighter as the hangar doors opened. We flew out at blazing speed. "We're ready and waiting General." Rex reported from the bridge of the flagship. Anakin flew next to me, "Alright, let's find our boy." The border of Republic and Separatist space was only a few clicks in front of us. 

I saw something on the scanners. "Master..." I started, but Anakin already knew, "I see it." We got up close and I was frightened by what I saw. An entire squadron of Z95-Headhunters floated in front of us. The ships were torn apart. "I don't see Axle's fighter." I stuttered worriedly. "We'll find him." Anakin ensured. I continued to look around. My panicking heart rate  slowly increased as well as my breathing. 

Out of nowhere, A huge Separatist Dreadnought emerged from hyperspace and attacked. It was almost as big as a Lucrehulk  battleship. I quickly hit the thrusters as the enemy ship opened fire. "Ahsoka, get back to the cruiser!" Anakin ordered. I hesitated, but made my decision. "Axle is on that ship! I know it!" "Maybe, but we have to get back to the fleet!" Anakin yelled. I turned back toward the Dreadnought, "I'm sorry Master. I can't leave him." "AHSOKA!!!" Anakin screamed, but I switched off the comms. 

Laser's whizzed past me as I got closer. Droid starfighters came at me hard, but I maneuvered around them. I could see the Republic fleet approaching with Anakin and his star squadron. The Separatist ship turned portside preparing for lightspeed. I couldn't let it get away. I looked at an open hangar and aimed my starfighter towards it. 

I crashed into the droid hangar and jumped out with my lightsabers drawn. I deflected the fire of enemy droids and ran out of the hangar toward the brig. Droids came from all directions as I advanced. All of a sudden, I heard an energy beam coming from outside the ship. Then everything went black.


I awoke in a large room. I had electro cuffs on my hands. My head felt heavy. I caught sight of Axle being held up in restraints, "Axle! I'm so happy to see you're safe." He looked at me with sad eyes, "No. You shouldn't be here. It's not safe." I was a little surprised by his response, "What? I've gotten captured before." Axle still wouldn't take his eyes off me, "Ahsoka, this is not a normal prison. It's worse than the Citadel." Now I was worried. Axle wouldn't act this concerned unless it was a very serious situation. 

A door opened and someone waked in. They didn't look like your average Separatist. His face was hidden by a mask. "Finally, I've got both of you together." Axle looked at him, "Please let her go. Don't let her see this." The masked person didn't move. I was panicking inside, "See what? Axle what do you mean?" I stared in his eyes and he stared back. The masked person walked over to a holo-projector at turned it on, "This broadcast can now be seen by everyone who cares to see it. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. To capture both of you was a challenge, but now I have completed it." Axle didn't take his eyes off of me. The masked man continued, "You two share a special connection. Well, that will make this hurt even more." "Ahsoka listen to me. Look away." Axle said. I felt a tear, but didn't move my gaze from him. The masked man held up a blaster to Axle's forehead. I felt more tears as I strangled in my cuffs. Axle kept yelling, "Ahsoka look away!" I still didn't listen. "LOOK AWAY!!!" Axle yelled again, but my eyes were glued to his. "AHSOKA!!!" The blaster went off. The room went silent. Axle's body dangled in the restraints. I screamed and yelled while tears continued to create a pool, "YOU KILLED HIM!!! YOU KILLED HIM!!! I SWEAR I'LL END YOU!!!" The masked person walked out of the room. 

My anger burst out. The cuffs shattered. I ran over to Axle's body and disengaged the restrains. I held him in my arms and cried to myself, "I'm not leaving you." I picked him up and carried him out of the room. There were no guards or anything stopping me from getting to the hangar. I walked onto a small shuttle and placed his body on the floor. I flew out of the hangar with my face still a mess. I jumped to lightspeed and fell beside Axle. I held his hand tightly and placed my hand on his chest. 

I contacted Master Skywalker. He was a mess as well "Ahsoka, you're ok. I.....I don't.....I don't know. Axle.....I....I can't believe it." I tried to talk through my tears, "Master......What should I do?" Anakin took a long pause, "What....What do you want to do?" I thought about his screams for me to look away, "I want to find the killer. I WAN'T HIM TO PAY!!!" Master Windu walked in. He didn't seem all that broken up over the loss of his Padawan. He should feel ashamed. "No. Padawan Tano return to the temple. We will give Axle a proper funeral." I looked back at Axle's body, "No. I'm going to find him. And kill him." "PADAWAN TANO THAT IS AGAINST THE JEDI CODE!!! YOU WILL RETURN TO THE TEMPLE NOW!!!" I gave another look at him, "NO!!!" I ended the transmission.


I landed on a distant moon. There was a beach and an ocean next to a grassland. I carried Axle's body out and laid him on the sand. I used the force to dig a large hole while still creating an ocean of my own with tears. I slowly placed Axle inside. My hands shook as I touched his face. I slowly moved my lips to connect with his. My sobbing could be heard all over the moon. I slowly used the force with shaking hands to lay the sand down on top of his body.

Ahsoka's Justice for Love (Ahsoka X Axle)Where stories live. Discover now