The Truth

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Ahsoka's POV

Steeler was brought to the brig. For some reason the Cultist kept me chained in the bridge. I guess to taunt me more. "If you're in agreement with a Jedi, then why do you have a giant Separatist Dreadnought that can knock any organic organism unconscious?" I asked. The Cultist didn't seem to mind answering, "I work and report directly to Count Dooku. However, I am not one of his dogs like General Grievous. I have more privileges than he does. Dooku uses me as a guide in the force. I cannot wield it's power, but I can study it. The Jedi that sided with me is no more than what Dooku thinks." I looked out the windows. A bright star glowed in the distance. I closed my eyes and thought of Axle. 

I felt the ship arch forward and I opened my eyes. Coruscant was right in front of us. A Republic fleet stood there ready to fire. "Activate the weapon." The Cultist ordered the droids. A large pulse charged up and released a beam of energy all around the ship. The Republic fleet held it's position, but did not engage. Everyone onboard those ships have been knocked out. We flew past them without destroying the ships. "Why don't you just murder everyone on those ships like you did with Axle?!" I asked closing my eyes. The Cultist sighed, "Because I am not a monster like Grievous was with the Malevolence. He used that weapon for mindless killing. I use this weapon for honor on the battlefield."

We came into orbit and the Cultist ordered another energy pulse directed toward the Jedi temple and Senate building. He then dragged me in my chains out of the bridge and down  to the hangar. He pushed me aboard the shuttle and we flew down to the Senate building. "What are you going to do?" I asked. Th Cultist looked in my eyes, "You have lost your lover. When your punishment is complete, then you have my permission to die." That's all he said. That didn't really give me much.

The shuttle landed outside the main entrance. The guards were on the ground passed out. Commando droids escorted us to the Senate chambers where the Senators seemed to have fallen asleep during a session. I saw Master Skywalker on the ground next to Senator Amidala's senate pod. The Cultist pushed me to a senate pod and activated it. We flew to the center of the chambers. The Commando droids split up around the entire building. 

I saw that some Senators were waking up. Anakin walked over to Senator Amidala to help her up. "MASTER!!!" I yelled. Anakin looked up to see me chained next to the Cultist, "AHSOKA!? What happened? I'm coming to get you." The Cultist pulled me back and pressed a button on his commlink and Anakin fell on his knees. The Senate was now fully awake and stunned at the sight of me chained up. The Cultist activated the microphone, "Master Jedi, you might have figured out by now that any reckless behavior will result in another electric wave. That goes for the rest of the Senate. Any ideas about attacking will result in the entire building and Jedi temple's destruction." 

Chancellor rubbed his head and faced us, "What is this?" The Cultist smiled, "The truth. As you all know I have killed Axle Tinguard. The reason being is because he was growing too powerful for the Jedi to remain in control of him. Now, this young Jedi has gone rogue seeking justice for an execution that was necessary. I come here in person to make one final statement. The Jedi will not push out of line against the code." 

I ignored his speech. My eyes closed and I thought about Axle. I thought about all the great times I've had with him. I sensed that same feeling in Steeler. Why was that? It was as if Steeler had become Axle. His presence felt the same. His hair looked similar, but his face was different and he did not know the force. He knew how to fight and make jokes just like Axle, but that didn't make sense. It was as if Axle and Steeler were the same person in different bodies. Now that I look at it, I'm glad I had sex with Steeler. It wasn't different than with Axle in anyway. I smiled as tears fell from my closed eyes. 

I could hear the Cultist laugh, "It seems that Padawan Tano has accepted the truth. My statement will be complete." I felt the blaster against the back of my head. I heard Anakin struggling from the energy. He was trying to get me out of this. The Cultist continued, "Padawan Ahsoka Tano, I grant you freedom from the Jedi code." I kept my eyes closed, welcoming death. 

All of a sudden, I heard glass shatter above. My eyes snapped open and I turned to see two emerald blades falling from the ceiling and land on the platform next to me. He had the clothes and hairstyle of Steeler, but something was different. Everyone including me stared at him with our mouths open, "AXLE!!?" 

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