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Taehyung pov;

She left me......

I never thought I would never come to this point in my entire life.
I never thought Yn would ever think of leaving me. She loved me. how could she do that? Did she find someone else?

These thoughts had occupied my mind as I was sitting in a club with whiskey in my hand and jimin by my side.

"What happened tae? Why aren't you telling me? I have been sitting here for an hour watching you cry and drink. Is everything ok? "

Staring at my glass of whiskey I ignored his word. What would I even say? My fiance left me without a proper explanation?


Finally I looked at him tear falling from my eye as I said;

"She left me hyung."

He looked at me confused.

"Who left you?"

I didn't reply, just looked down and drank my whiskey.

As if realization hit him as his eyes widened and he looked at me and said in disbelief;

"Yn? Did she leave you?"

I just nodded, closing my eyes.

"I don't know what happened hyung. She just left only left a note behind, saying 'goodbye' no proper explanation, no nothing. She left her ring as well I don't know what to do?"

Jimin just looked at me with an expression I couldn't understand.

"Send her some roses"

He said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.


"I said send her rose just the way you did before Tae. No need to call her, she will only annoy you. Just send her some roses she eill come running back into your arms forgiving you. Come on you know what I am trying to say, you have done it before."

He said as I looked at him with hurt and regret.

"What are you trying to say!?"

"I am not saying anything Tae. You are asking a reason for why she left you. She didn't need to explain Tae. You should know the reason CAUSE THE REASON ITSELF IS YOU. You treated that woman so disrespectfully, you hurt her to the point where could do nothing but to leave you,when all she did was to love you and take care of you. She had to leave. Every one has a limit and this time period was her limit she left cause she couldn't bear your hurtful word. I guess she heard your word last night."

Realization hit me like a truck.

I hurt her......

I disrespected her......

I took her for granted.....

I said I wished I didn't propose her....

I said I wished I didn't DATED her.....

I said I wished I didn't meet her.....

This is all my fault.......

Three months later;

It's been three months. She didn't come back. She never picked my phone. She never replied to my text.

I have developed a habit of drinking. It's the only way I can escape the reality, the only was I could escape the pain....

Nine months later;

It's been nine months since she left me. I feel numb. I cry everyday and night. I live a life of a robot.
Office in the morning and bar in the night.

Jimin tries really hard to make me leave the house, to make me stop drinking but never succeeds.

He tells me to move on. But I can't. I love her. She was my first love. I can't forget her. I regret treating her like that.

I regret hurting her. If this is her way of punishing me then I want to tell her to stop cause;

I can't take it anymore......

I hurts like hell I can't sleep without her, can't eat without her...............

'I can't live without her....'

A year later;

Today is my birthday.

Oh how I wish I could see Yn how I wish I could eat her hand made cake. Today I didn't go to work. I wanted to stay home. I wanted to clean everything just in case she return and maybe give me her forgiveness as my birthday present.

I cleaned the whole house. Did the dishes, washed my clothes. I then sat down on the couch with a bottle of beer in my hand. I took a sip as I heard the jiggling of key from the front door.

'Must be jimin'

My assumption turned true as I say jimin with a birthday cake in his hand and some balloons.

"Happy Birthday Tae!!!"


I said as tears fell from my eye but I quickly wiped them praying that jimin didn't see them

Unfortunately he saw them and sighed.

"Tae you need to move on. You can't just spend your whole life waiting for her. Just move on. She will never returns."

"She will jimin she will."

"How do you know?"

"I just know. And even if she doesn't I will find her and beg for her forgiveness."

Jimin looked at me and just sighed.

"Come on let's cut the cake."

"Yes sure"

The whole day jimin stayed by my side and talked to me about yn trying to convince me to forget her I just ignored his words. I can't move on and I won't move on. She will always stay in my heart

At 11pm night;

"Okay tae I will now take my leave.Elle must be waiting for me."

"Yeah u should go. You shouldn't make her wait too long. Love her alot jimin don't repeat my mistakes"

I said with sadness in my voice.

Jimin just looked at me and nodded.

"Take care Tae I will see you tomorrow okay"



"Bye and drive safe"

With that jimin left the house.

About ten minutes later I heard a car pull in my driveway then I heard someone knocking on my front door.

"Must be jimin. He might have forgotten something."

I got up and went to open the door

As I opened it I was shocked to see the person standing in front of me.......

Hi lovelies her is another chapter. Only two chapters are left. Hope you liked it please vote if you liked it and do comment you thought and reviews
And lastly;
I purple you💜

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