Noche de Karaoque

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Pov Natasha

Tuvimos tiempo para quitarnos los uniformes y ponernos ropa más normal después de que Kara le dijera a Alex que todas iríamos al bar, al llegar todos ya nos esperaban en una mesa, Maria estaba entre Kara y Carol evitando por completo a Steve

—que bueno que llegan hay noches de karaoke! Y Natasha vas primero.

Suspire un poco, me dirijo a la mesa donde estaba el dj con la lista de canciones elijo Girls just want to have fun me la había aprendido de memoria ya que a Wanda le gustaba ponerla cada que salíamos o volvía de una misión, el hombre me tendió un micrófono y me dispuse a comenzar

" i come home in the morning light,
My mother says When you gonna live your life right,
Oh mother dear we're not the afortunate ones,
And girls they want to want have fun,
Oh girls want to want have fun,
The phones rings in the middle of the nigth,
My father yells what you gonna do with your life,
Oh daddy dear you know you're still number one,
But girls they to want have fun,
Oh girls want to have...
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls-- they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun
Some boys take a beautiful girl
And hide her away from the rest of the world
I want to be the one to walk in the sun
Oh girls they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have
That's all they really want
Some fun
When the working day is done
Girls--they want to have fun
Oh girls just want to have fun,
They want to have fun,
They want to have fun..."

Después de la canción y regresar a mi lugar la que más aplaudió fue mi esposa quien tenía una enorme sonrisa en su hermoso rostro, —Sara sigues tu. Kara ánimo a su amiga quien miraba con incredulidad a su amiga, después me miro a mi y con una mirada la reté. Ella subió.

When you first left me
I was wanting more
But you were fuc*ing that girl next door
What'd you do that for?
When you first left me
I didn't know what to say
I'd never been on my own that way
Just sat by myself all day
I was so lost back then
But with a little help from my friends
I found the light in the tunnel at the end
Now you're calling me up on the phone
So you can have a little whine and a moan
And it's only because you're feeling alone
At first when I see you cry
Yeah it makes me smile
Yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for awhile
But then I just smile I go ahead and smile
Whenever you see me
You say that you want me back
And I tell you it don't mean jack
No, it don't mean jack
I couldn't stop laughing
No, I just couldn't help myself
See, you messed up my mental health
I was quite unwell
I was so lost back then
But with a little help from my friends
I found the light in the tunnel at the end
Now you're calling me up on the phone
So you can have a little whine and a moan
And it's only because you're feeling alone
At first when I see you cry
Yeah it makes me smile
Yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for awhile
But then I just smile I go ahead and smile
At first when I see you cry
Yeah it makes me smile
Yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for awhile
But then I just smile I go ahead and smile"

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