🎃 The H˙A˙L˙L˙O˙W˙E˙E˙N special 🎃 episode 1 |part two|

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The party was organized in a half run-down, traditional looking Japanese home and while it was maintained to a certain degree, it almost perfectly blended with the entire Halloween theme. The organizer, whoever was crazy enough to prepare the entire crazy gathering in a literal place that crawled with spider webs, placed two bodyguards in front of the main entrance. Both men were large and neatly dressed in black. And while they carried this certain serious demeanor, that prejudice was initially shattered when I heard them bickering about the simplest things.

The entire chaos made me forget the voice that had called out for me and the creepy sensation.

"You bastard!"

"Me, a bastard? Look at yourself, Long-nose giraffe."

When it came for us to hand in our invitations, I didn't take my sweet time to follow the line of people, but just wiggled my way through the crowd until a swift breeze of air brushed my face. I looked around and immediately smiled in relief when I saw Nami, vigorously waving to me. On the outside, I played it cool like a cucumber but on the inside I was like a raging bull. From all the costumes that were available in every store, she really had to decide for the simplest looking one? Then again, if it hadn't been for, I wouldn't have even left the dormitory...

"I didn't expect so many people." I panted as I hurried to Robin's side. There were total of 7 from our small group, however, apparently additional new faces were going to join us later on. Who does people were, I had no clue.

Nami agreed but then left a loud 'tch' as she hurriedly wrote something back on her phone. "Zoro is going to be late. I sent him the EXACT direction, but the idiot still somehow got lost."

"What about Sanji? Can't he help him? Or did they have another quarrel?" Asked Bonney, more with the thought of 'less people more food for me' in her mind and less with actual concern for the greenette.

"Everything is fine in their lovely fairytale. Sanji just got sick." She closed her eyes, visibly trying to calm her nerves but the pumped veins on her forehead revealed her inner, Satanic rage. "Those two lovebirds are just a pain in the ass. First I had to be a fricking Cupid for their slow-working brains and when they announced their relationship, I had to solve their ever day problems."

I felt bad for my brother. Sanji was a real sweetheart, but sometimes... His naivety and emotional swings didn't do him justice. I didn't have any excuses for Zoro. He really could behave like a gorilla at times.

Then the cup in her hand, which was intact before her sudden outburst, was slowly changing its shape until the liquid began spilling all over the edge and onto her hand. "I'm going to kill him. I swear. I'm going to kill those two for ruining my only joy."

I confusingly looked at Robin and she shrugged as if 'I don't know what's happening but just roll with it'.

"Uhm, so... What's the first thing on the list?" I quickly glanced at the place. If you squinted a bit and moved your head for 30°, then it was almost possible to notice the imperfections of the place. In honest opinion, it then looked superb. All antique and historical... Just like in those horror movies where the members of a group (there was always a damn group full of irrational teenagers!) vanished one after another, the first one undoubtedly being the nerdy type and after him, a cheerleader. Putting that theory in real situation, I guessed it then wouldn't have been good neither for me nor Bonney, if zombies and undead actually existed.

"Oh, oh, I know! I know! Why don't we play that game! Before we all get wasted?" Perona excitedly looked at each of us, pleadingly sharing her puppy-eye look.

Ace nodded and violently tugged Sabo by his neck. "Hell yeah! I heard so many stories about the Three door challenge! I heard that last year..."

"A guy pissed his pants and called quits after a minute inside that room? What a pussy indeed."

No one was surprised by Kid's sudden appearance. It would have been a shock if he hadn't come here. Though, I had to admit, his pirate costume looked out of this world. It definitely put mine to shame.

"Oh, it's Eustass. Again. You don't need to make up stories. We all know who was that someone that pissed himself. Am I right Killer?" Ace snorted.

"I'd like to avoid contributing any opinions in this conversation... If I may take that as an option."

The raven pouted. "You are no fun."

"I'm a simple man with simple wishes. And to live my life without any regrets is one of them. As you have witnessed many times before, Kid can get extremely grumpy." The blonde guy, whose bangs constantly covered his face, wore a huge helmet and scissor-like weapon. He shifted a bit and I had this feeling that somewhere, from the numerous holes in his mask, he was watching me. "Y/n, you look splendid today."

I blushed, but not from his flattering words. It made me feel even more self-conscious and embarrassed. "Shut up. I didn't have a choice."

"Nami?" he guessed.

"Your words, not mine."

"It's all clear now." Killer gently tapped my shoulder, with a slight sense of brotherly pity. I didn't know from where he took the giant, black mantel, but from wherever it came from, I was grateful when the warm fabric hugged my body.


"No big deal. So, are we going up?"

Kid grinned. "Yeah, let's see if the pretty boy is just talks. I bet you are going to scream like a little girl."

Ace puffed his hair out of the way before strutting closer to the redhead. "At least I won't be some gruffy, 7feet tall monster that will call for his mommy to help him."

"What the fuck did you say?!"

Why do I have to be the one to meddle in and risk my head?

"Guys, guys! Stop it." I sighed. "Let's all go up. You two can make this stupid bet of yours, but leave everyone else out of it."

"Wearing skimpy clothes made you a bold slu-"

"Zip it, Eustass." I glared at him. "Just. Zip. It."

And then I hurriedly stepped behind Nami's back. Just for protection. No one dared to mess with this girl (I was referring to the orangehead. I still possessed zero talent in any kind of martial art).

End of episode 1 |part two|


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