Chapter one

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Warning! This book gets pretty messed up, you have been warned.

(Virgil's POV)

I'm in a dark room, I have no memory of how I got here, so I start to ask myself some questions.

How did I get here?

What is this place?

Why am I here?

How am I going to find an exit in the dark?

Is anyone else here?

Holy shit what just touched me?! I jump back and hear metal clatter on the ground before my hands stop moving with me. Oh great, I'm chained up. I take a minute to let my eyes adjust to the darkness, then I follow the chain to a white bedpost. The red blankets are coated in dust except for one place where a small flashlight was. I quickly grab the flashlight and start searching for a key to the chains. While searching I realize the thing that touched me earlier was a small white vanity. The mirror was broken and the wood was chipped, it looked old. I check the drawer to the vanity and surely enough, there's the key to the chains. I quickly unlock the chains and look around the room for a way out. This is a nice room, but why does it remind me so much of someone? Then it clicks, the white bedpost, the red covers, the vanity, this is Roman's room. But where's Roman? Why am I in here? Why is his room such a mess? Is this just a dumb prank? "Alright Roman! Come out! I'm not scared!" I call, no answer. I open the closet expecting to find the prince chuckling to himself about his joke, but that is not what I saw. He was covered in blood, eyes cloudy, his throat slit. And what's worse, there was the dagger covered in blood. Tears started to stream down my face as a take the dagger from his hand. I raise it to my own throat, then blackness.

(Sike! It was a dream! Relax!)

I wake up gasping and holding my throat. "It was dream, it was a stupid fucking dream." I tell myself. I take a minute to steady my breathing and relax. I am not going to be able to sleep for a while after that, I look at the clock to see that it's about 3pam. "Time to get up then." I say to myself and roll out of my bed, harshly hitting the floor. I didn't realize I was so close to the edge. I groan and pick myself up, heading to my bathroom to take a shower.

(Roman's POV)

I wake up feeling a little tired still, but my body won't let me go back to sleep. I decide I'll just make some coffee and get up. I quickly take a shower, get dressed, and brush my hair. Then I head down the hall to the kitchen. Down the hall, I pass Virgil's room. "It was a dream, it was a stupid fucking dream." He says and attempts to calm himself down. I kinda want to help him, but I decide that giving him some space is probably better. I go to walk away when I hear a crash and a quiet groan, did he just roll off of his bed? Is he okay? Eh, he's probably fine. I walk to the kitchen and start to make some coffee. I was humming a Disney song when I start to get distracted by a voice across the hall. It took me a minute to realize that the beautiful voice belonged to Virgil. Wow, that confidence in his voice, he was singing like he knew nobody could hear him, and I love it.

(Virgil's POV)

I know I'm the only one up at this hour so for now I keep my shirt off and let my hair dry so it doesn't get my shirt wet since I hate the noise of the hair dryer. I finish putting on my eyeshadow and walk out into the hallway with my black towel around my shoulders. I scroll through Tumblr on my phone so I'm not really paying attention to anything that's around me when I hear someone. "You just keep surprising me don't you?" I look up to see Princey with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. "P-Princey? What are you doing up so early?" I ask, a little surprised that he's up early of all people. "My brain decided it was time for me to get up so I got up." He says. Wow, ten outta ten explanation. "So I heard you singing..." He starts. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! I didn't realize I was singing so loud!" I bury my face in my hands. "Hey, no don't be. I think you should sing more often." He says and grabs my wrists gently. He slowly lowers my hands from my face. "You have a great voice you know." If my makeup wasn't on I'd be redder than a tomato at this point. I fight the urge to bury my face in my hands again and just look at the floor.

(Roman's POV)

He's blushing, I can tell. He's cute when he blushes, not gonna lie. He looks down at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact. "How about we get some coffee?" I ask, he nods and grabs his coffee cup with his logo on it, I grab my red cup with a crown on it. "So what do you usually put in your coffee?" I ask, he grabs a few things from the fridge and spice cabinet and sets them on the counter. "I'll show you, first you add the coffee, then you add the hazelnut creamer, then the coconut almond half & half, then add cocoa powder, cinimon, a small bit of ginger, and mix. Then you put marshmallows on top and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds, then sprinkle some more cinimon on top and done." He grabs the cup out of the microwave and sprinkles some cinimon on top of the slightly melted marshmallows. "Wow, I did not expect your recipie to be even more complicated than mine. But does it taste as good?" I ask. He hands me his cup. "Take a sip and find out." He says. I take a small sip, holy crap that is amazing! "This is amazing, how did you find this recipe?" I ask. "I didn't, I came up with it. I got bored, I wanted coffee, I grabbed a few things, added things, took away a few things until I came up with this recipe." He explains. "I think I found my new favorite recipe." I say. He makes a cup for me and we sit at the table talking and laughing. He returns to his room for a second to put on a shirt and his jacket. He left his phone on the table. I silently sip my coffee when his phone starts buzzing, startling me. "Oh sorry! That's my alarm." He says. When did he get back?! "I gotta go. I'll be back later." He says and starts to rush to the door. I catch him by the wrist. "Where do you even go at this hour?" I ask. "There's a place in the imagination, and well... I found something." He explains vaguely. I am a little curious. "Can you take me with you?" I ask. "Well I do have a feeling that this has something to do with you anyway so yeah I guess you can tag along." He says, and with that, I follow him into the imagination.

Hello! Iz me, Anxie. So tell me in the comments if you like the story so far and yes, you can use the coffee recipe that I put in this chapter, I came up with that myself and I'm kinda curious of what other people might think of it. Tell me if you like it and feel free to change a few parts as well. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to update frequently. Until next time.💜💙💚❤

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