Oh um it's okay

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It's almost Christmas... Watching the children have snow fights and making snowmen is really fun. Everything was covered in snow, even UA cancelled lessons because of the situation. This was a new chance for class 1A to hang out.

The groupchat was filled by messages. Everyone was desperately trying to find a good hang out but at the very end it was announced that all stores and trafficking was closed for safety.

While I was stuck on bed thinking about all this I felt my phone ringing. Finally! Someone called me! I answered the phone without even noticing who was calling.

"Hello?Who is this?"

"It's me Uraraka san!" I heard Deku's sweet voice

"Oh hey Deku kun! How are you? You didn't seem to be noticing whats going on in the groupchat."

"Well it's because I was training. Gonna check it right away and gonna call you back soon! Okay?" He was lying.

I could tell. He wasn't training. What could he be doing? Is he in danger? No he's been different lately which worries me.

"Umm sure..." I said two seconds before hanging up.

As much as I love Deku, sometimes I feel like I'm a ghost around him. Maybe I am cursed. Maybe he doesn't actually like me back.

About half an hour has passed by. I haven't got a single phone call or message yet. Didn't he say he'll call me back. Is he busy? No he didn't sound busy when he called me. Maybe he was on a rush? No not that either since all stores and roads are closed.

Huh my phone vibrated? Let me check my notifications. I might have new messages. It was from Deku!

Deku🥦👊🏻: Sorry for not calling back! My mom made me talk to the phone with my grandma! XD funny situation huh?

I replied as fast as possible

Ochako ✨🌺: Oh um it's okay!

~{Sorry I didn't kiss you}~ a small IzuOcha fanficWhere stories live. Discover now