Proposal?! -Sequel-

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Me and Deku finally became Pro heroes. It is all wonderful. Life is beautiful right now.

Everything has been better now. All thanks to Deku of course! Thanks to him I've been able to get better mentally.

So how's life been for you dear reader? Have things got better? I hope so.. Well I don't mean to hurt your feelings but there will be no sequel. It's all just a small trap I set! I wanted to make sure you're okay! 💕

Keep in mind that ily for reading my story and that you shouldn't be sad just because of bad things happening around. Try your best every day. Don't give up on me pls.💖

There are so many reasons you shouldn't end it all. And I could give them all right now:

It probably isn't as bad as you make it out to be. Over-thinking things make them seem a billion times worse. Try talking them out with someone and see how simple or stupid your problems may be.

Think about those poor, starving children or those cancer patients fighting for their lives, or those people who lost everything in a natural disaster yet refuse to break down and still fight for a good life.

Appreciate what you have instead of glooming over what you don't have. Your life isn't perfect. My life isn't perfect. Nobody's life is perfect. It's not only you.

You are certainly not alone. There are millions of people who struggle with the same thoughts as you on a daily basis and fight those thoughts away. If they can do it, then so can you.

You are good enough. You are pretty enough. You are clever enough. You are talented enough. You are strong enough. You can make your dreams come true. You can have a better life. You can not cry yourself to sleep every night. You can wake up feeling happy.

Look in the mirror and tell yourself that every single day. You'll believe it eventually, I promise.

Those haters and bullies want to see you down. Don't let them feel happy with you breaking down. Stay strong.
Stay strong just for that special one special in your life that you wake up everyday to see.

Everyday is a new day. Being depressed over the past won't change anything. Forget the past. Live for today, and the future will be so much better.

Death is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Don't hurt all of your loved ones. You killing yourself will have unimaginable effects on them forever. They don't deserve to have their lives ruined because you decided to end your life. They will blame themselves no matter what your suicide note says. They will live forever miserable, angry, hurt and all asking that one question: why?

Ice-cream tastes good.

Whatever you're going through will not last forever. Nothing ever does. Stay strong and wait for things to get better.

Imagine missing out on everything.... Growing up, meeting new people, having new chances, making new memories with your loved ones.

What about the person who finds you dead? Think about how they'd feel. Would you really want to put them through such horror?

You were brought into this world for a reason. So LIVE!

Never seeing a new day, rain, sunshine, snow, children laughing, a rainbow again.

Never being able to grow up more and make those haters realise that they were wrong all along. Work hard and come out more successful, happier and healthier than them.

Your life has a value whether you see it or not. Please don't end it.

Missing out on all your favourite artists releasing new work.

Missing out on those first dates... Those butterflies, taking a billion breath-mints.... all for that one special person.

There is always somebody out there who wants you to live and can't imagine life without you.

All that yummy food you will never be able to eat.

You'll never watch the next episode of your favourite show, and you'll never see your favourite movie again.

Once you kill yourself, you're gone. Finished. Bye bye. No one can bring you back.

You'll never be able to try out the things you wanted, see places you wanted to see, meet new people, chase after your dreams, make new memories with the people you love.
Please think about it properly.

Do you really want to end everything? We all want to end all that pain and the hurt. But life also has those good little things in them. If you think about it properly, you'll be able to see all of those amazing little details about your life that you never noticed before. Life is so good no matter how much pain you're going through at this moment.

Stay safe and strong 💕💖

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