Chapter 36: The truth

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  • Dedicated to Barbara Grayson

Jackie's POV

ugh!!  I cant believe I have tell Elsa the truth. i wasn't going to tell her till she was ready. Now i don't know how she will react?  

'well as you know  i grew up  with not such a good childhood;  my mother hid me away told my  to fear my powers. My father never knew that i had power. I hurted my brother  I-I-I hit him in the head,and he lost his memory thankful he didn't  die  . ' i said as i started to cry 

elsa came to my side and hug me?!?!?!?!

'why'i said as i calmed my self

'you are my friend and i also see you like my little sister' she said sweetly

'... thanks' i say i was going to tell her who she really was to me but i coundn't

'anyways i lock my self in my room and never saw him .my Father fights a lot with my mother  about that 11 years later my mother and father die well not  really they turned into guardian I was  16 back then  I knew about them being alive but the kingdom didn't,so my brother have to become king . but he didn't to be a king to two different places so I was sent to be queen in my mothers kingdom while he was the king of our fathers kingdom . ' J

' what were the kingdoms?' E

'Umm his was burg and mine was well be ... um' J

'come on tell me' E

'arendelle' J

'what ?' E

'that's  impossible   if so that must mean that you'r my grandmother' E

'hahaha no try again' J

'grand daughter ' E

'almost there' J

'wait you aren't saing that you my daughter?' E

'i-i am' J

'no - how?' E

'as i said i am a guardian and i can travel in time ' J

'why' E

'i need to save you' J

'from what?, jack?' E

'not really umm picth' J

'wh- his your Father right' E

'yes' J

'and am your mother so h-'E

'yes i had to save you' J

'but then how come you'r still here?' E

'i dont know ,  when i stop your wedding i thought i who disappear but no ' J

'I d-dont believe you prove your self'E

'Fine here I though you might want see this' i said a give her a journal

'bye ill be back' J

Elsa POV 

what in the world could this be ? wait i've seen this before it my diary ! i open it and started to read 

Dec.1 1845

to day i marry jack yay? i miss hiccup i wish i would have marry hiccup intend ugh who am i kidding he propel like someone else.

jan 7 1850

am pregnant yay 

jan 9 1850

jack told me he had to leave to so i ask him if i could come along to help him he said no because he cared for me to much to lose me but i followed him

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