My thoughts on Time and (potential travel)

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Yeah sure, time travel is awesome, go back and see the dinosaurs, but it would bring chaos, someone would be bound to go back and try to prove some religion wrong. it would break you seeing people you may have known and cared about die and there is nothing you can do, I mean it'd change history, different realities, one where you did do that, another where you didn't, the consequences of change in past could forever alter the future. Take a long hard think about it, how many things would or wouldn't happen if one man, or woman or they/them never existed, it'd still create a new reality, you matter. lots of people don't realise it but history would never be the same without you, every word, every movement you have made completely changes the future, and its such a delicate thing that I believe never actually understanding it will be best for us a species. it's really one big game of chess, you move one piece and the entire game can change. Reality is only ever what you make it. it is such a horrible thing, knowing if you could go back and see them one last time, nothing would be the same when you returned. So think about it, you matter massive amounts like hoo boy without you this world would be missing out, on your contributions, a passing smile that saves someone's life. So please, don't give up, you've got history to shape goober! and I know, some random Internet moron spewing whatever appears in my mind, but I cannot help but write it all down, calms the nerves.

bunch of weird thoughts I figured I'd write down because hahaWhere stories live. Discover now