Chapter 14-The kidnap

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  "Welcome, YJJcoolcool, with the letter Y in front and L behind" Herobrine said. "What do you want again, Herobrine, with the H in the front and E at the back. More like Mister Eeerie" I replied. He shot me a look, continuing his sentence. "Well, you have deafeated me WITH your team the past times, so, I will kidnap you and realease my whole army of monsters to defeat your entire world. Now without your 'Secret power' which I just discovered by my zombie, your team can never deafeat me! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!" He said. Dang it, i knew something was amiss when that zombie was walking around the streets last night. He discovered my secret power that I gave to the team to make them and I invulnerable to anything. Suddenly I realised Herobrine was no longer in my sight when a greenish gas was sprayed. I had a strange feeling of going to sleep, which i did.

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