Chapter 18-Attack on Mineria

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  Today, herobrine put me in an iron box, with one small window. He fed me the same thing again and I did the same stuff. The monsters had started to attack Mineria now. It was pretty bad as Mineria was full of technology, just like Japan, but not Japan. As we know, teachonlogy can be awsome in the good side but it is flammable and explosive when in contact with fire. Many monsters were hurt but since there were many monster spawners were placed, more monsters spawned. Guessed the plan would have actually worked. I there was an opening at the top of the roof, making my plan of escape even better, but there were still obstacles that I had to go through, like Herobrine, the high opening and the lava. I can't possibly just jump over 15 blocks of lava so it is still a problem. The power stations failed and explpoded, causing the power lines to fall down and also pulling the supports over. Tumble, thumble and tumble. All of them tumbled so much that some cars, buildings and some people were smashed. Oh how is this going to stop???

Currently in YJJcity...

"Hey where's YJJ? He has been gone for like two days, without that power he has, we can't stop the monsters from taking over the world!" my brother said. Mineshafter tried to call me, but it was useless as my phone was thrown into the lava by Herobrine. "I think he may be in trouble. Who knows?" Mr Villager said. All of my friends split up into finding me, including all of the citizens. They went for underwater search, underground search, on land whatever stuff and even heaven search. Unfortunately, all searches failed. Some even tried to see whether I was in the Nether or End! Everyone was extremely worried about me, and also worried about the monsters.

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