Chapter 2

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"You're always trying to protect her, Hades."

I snapped out of the daydream I'd been having and focused on the argument happening around me. Ares and Hades, seated on opposite ends of the ridiculously long table we'd set up in Zeus' entry room, were fighting again. The other Olympians looked annoyed and angry. We had started this meeting four hours ago, and I was over it.

"Why shouldn't I?" my husband snapped back. "She's got you gunning for her head yet again. Don't act like you didn't try to kill her last year."

"Kill her? I was engaging in some healthy tactical exercises. Why is it my fault her frail human body couldn't cut it?" Ares smiled a wicked grin.

Ares had barely gotten a slap on the wrist for his part in Zeus' kidnapping plot. And since we were all still arguing about who had control over Olympus, I worried that if I attempted to punish him, my allies might see it as a power trip and abandon me. His smug face still pissed me off.

"How about I engage you and we'll see how that goes?" Hades was practically shouting. He started rolling up his sleeves.

"Anytime, pretty boy." Ares kicked his huge military boots up on the table. "Pick up a sword and we'll see who comes out victorious."

"Please." I muttered, wiping my face. "Stop, the both of you."

"She speaks." Athena rolled her eyes. "Nice of you to join us."

"She's been here for every meeting." My mother spoke up. "She's listened to all of you bickering and bringing up thousand-year-old scuffles. I can't blame her for tuning you out."

I shot a thankful look to my mom, who smiled back at me. Ever since she and my dad had gotten back together, there was more of a maternal side to her. It was as if she'd matured enough to match him.

"Well, if she'd just hand over control, we wouldn't have to keep doing these insane meetings." Ares growled.

"Everyone here except for you and Athena have agreed to rule as a group- no one gets complete control until we're all satisfied." Apollo glared at him.

I was glad Apollo had joined our side. He was incredibly smart, and his word had good weight amongst the others. Even though I was beyond happy with Hades, I did catch myself staring at the incredibly attractive god more than I should. He was young- appeared around my age- with golden tan skin and bright blonde hair. He reminded me a lot of my first boyfriend, Jake: athletic and beautiful, with a sharp tongue to match. His grass-green eyes flicked up and caught me staring.

I looked back at Ares, who was seething. His jaw was tight, and he slammed a fist down on the table. The entire thing shook, though it was a miracle it didn't break.

"It's clear who the favorite is." He snarled. "Why don't you just give her a second fucking crown and call it a day? I will not stand for this! You'll get what's coming to you, you mortal bitch!"

My powers flared inside me as my anger rose. My hands shook, fighting against the fury that was building in my veins. I had to calm down before I lashed out at him and showed the others how powerful I was. I squeezed my hands into fists and closed my eyes, as Thanatos instructed. I shut down my senses and focused on the good things I could think of: Hades, my mother, my father, my friendship with Thalia, my kingdom. I breathed slowly in through my nose, and out through my mouth. By the time my powers died down, I wasn't sure how much time had passed. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm okay, Hades." I whispered, not looking up.

"Not Hades, but I'm still glad to hear that."

My head snapped up to see Apollo looking down at me. I glanced at the seat to my left, but Hades was gone. I looked around the room, but it was empty apart from the two of us.

"They've all gone outside. Hades followed Ares out and nearly ripped his head off. Thankfully, Artemis and Hestia convinced them to break it up. I wanted to make sure you were okay. What he said was not something you deserved."

I sighed. "Even so, I understand how it looks."

"You aren't some evil mastermind." Apollo smiled. "You were put in an awful position after everything with Hermes and Persephone. I wouldn't hand control over to Ares either, if I were in your position."

"Thanks." I rose from my seat. "I appreciate your support more than you know." An awkward silence hung between us. "I'd better go check on Hades."

"See you next week." Apollo shrugged. "If Ares shows up, anyway."

I raised my hand to wave, but he was already gone. I sighed and went outside to find my husband. I hoped he wasn't in too foul a mood.

I left the Sky Palace and walked out into the bright Olympus sun. My skin glittered under its rays, soaking up the magic around me.

Hades was talking with fervor while my mother nodded, her arms crossed. I couldn't help but use my abilities to listen in.

"I'm not sure what to do." Hades sighed. "She's growing stronger every day. I'm terrified of what will happen when the others figure it out."

"For now, we just keep doing what we're doing. She continues her daily studies with Thanatos, and we push like hell to keep Ares off the throne."

Hades nodded. "I suppose it's all we can do."

I wondered why they needed to discuss me in a quiet huddle. Was I really that much of a threat? I walked over to them, and they both plastered on false smiles.

"You ready to go home?" Hades asked. He held a hand out to me, and I laced my fingers with his.

"As long as you're done bashing skulls in." I smirked, acting as though I hadn't heard their conversation.

"For today." He planted a kiss on my forehead. "But I don't make any promises for tomorrow."

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