Chapter 2.

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}(Y/n)'s POV{

We manage to get Eren and Mikasa away from that titan and we're heading to the boats.

I hope Armin got on safe. Suddenly Eren started hitting Mr. Hannes on his head.

"Eren, what are you doing?" Mr. Hannes stops running and so do I.

"We were so close to saving Mom!" Eren yells, tears about to fall down his face.

Mikasa and I look at him and I try not to break down, Carla was like a sister to me...and now she's gone.

Damn it! Why couldn't I save her!? I'm a fucking idiot! I could have saved her! But I just stood a coward.

"Um, (Y/n)? Your grip is a bit tight." Mikasa mutters, squirming in my arms. "Oh, sorry hun." I say

Apparently I blocked Eren and Mr. Hannes conversation out while thinking because they were now crying and walking away.

I put Mikasa down and hold her hand as we catch up to them.

We get both onto the boat safe and sound, I hug them both, "good luck (Y/n)." Eren mutters.

"Thank you Eren.... And I'm sorry I couldn't protect her." I mutter back then leave to fight off some more titans.

'°'5yrs later'°'

It's been five years since the fall of wall maria, and five years since my childhood friend's death.

It's strange not being able to visit them randomly, making the family laugh by teasing Grisha about how he managed to get a girl like Carla.

Helping Mikasa and Eren with their chores, playing titan vs scout with the children, just spending time with them all.

I miss those times, but now my job has become even more serious, now that we know there are titans that can break down the walls in a few seconds.

Right now I'm watching Keith to the cadets in training. God he's brutal.

He's scolding a young boy named Connie for saluting wrong, which I have actually done many times.

Suddenly he stops talking and looks at a brunette girl EATING A POTATO!? Oh my god, ha! Look at his face haha!

He walks over to her and yells in her face, "I'm talking to you! Who the hell are you?!"

The girl quickly composes herself and salutes, this time correct. "Sasha Braus from Dauper Village, on the south side of Wall Rose!" She says.

"Sasha Braus. What is that you're holding in your right hand?" Keith asks intensely.

"A steamed potato, Sir! I found one in the cookhouse that was ready to eat, so I couldn't help myself!" Sasha replies confidently.

Not gonna lie, I would too, "you stole it? Why? Why did you decide to eat it now?" Keith asks again.

"I felt it would be a waste to let it go cold, so I elected to eat it now." The girl says, now a bit quieter.

"No, I don't understand. Why did you eat the potato?" Geez, so many questions.

The girl furrows her eyebrows in confusion, "Are you asking me why people eat potatoes, Sir?"

I end up trying to contain my laughter, which doesn't go well, Keith gives me a glare and I shut up.

Oh my god! That girl's got some fucking guts. She's already my favorite teen.

She splits the potato into two pieces, and hands Keith the smaller half, "here's half of it for you." She offers.

Wait, isn't that more of a third? Keith takes his piece, "half...?" He asks, Sasha gives a strange smile.

And now he's making her go on a run, a long, long run.

'°'time skip'°'

"Mmmm." I sigh and rub my eye, "damn, I really need some sleep, god damn."

"(Y/n)!" Someone yells coming into my room, "AHH!!! hanji! Get out, I'm changing!" I yell putting my shirt back on.

"Oh calm down (Y/n), I'm not gonna look." They say walking up to me and shoved some food in my face.

"Try it!" Hanji smiles, "'s just a piece of bread." I deadpan, "please (Y/n)?" They beg.

I sigh, "fine." I give in, "yay!" Hanji jumps up and down with joy. I talk a bite of the bread.

"It just tastes like bread." I say still eating it, "so the bread does hide the poison!" Hanji smiles in victory.


"What!?" I run over to my window and spit it all out, "Hanji! Why would you feed me poison!?" I throw the rest of the bread at them.

"Oh don't worry (Y/n), the poison doesn't affect humans, plus I needed a test subject." Hanji says.

"And how do you know it doesn't affect humans?" I ask suspicious of them, "because you're still alive!" Hanji places the bread on my desk.

"And if it did affect me?" I ask, "(Y/n), you should know I always have an antidote for it. I wouldn't let you die." Hanji assures me with a hug.

I reluctantly hug them back, "okay, just warn me next time." I say, "alright, alright. I won't give it to you next time."

I let go of them, "then who's gonna get it?" I say with an unimpressed look, "either Levi or Moblet." Hanji says tapping their chin.

"They're not stupid enough to fall for that again Hanji. Now get out, I'm tired and wanna wake up early tomorrow." I say turning around.

"Not if I hide it better and alright, you get your rest. Good night (Y/n)" Hanji gives me a quick hug from behind then leaves.

"Oh, Hanji!" I yell, they open the door and leans their head in, "yeah?" They smile, "don't stay up too late." I giggle.

They give me a toothy grin, "no promises!" They then close the door as they leave and I sigh again.

"What on earth am I gonna do with them?" I chuckle then change and get into bed, "good night to you to Hanji." I mutter then drift into a dreamless sleep.

To be continued...

Okay well uh, this was shit. I'll try better in the next chapter😅

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