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Tris then explained to me about the factions and how there where divergents that didn't fit into a category. She told me she was one of them and so was Four. Then she told me that the master mind behind it was a lady named Jeanine Matthews that put a serum in the worrior faction so she could eradicate the abnigation faction.

  I thought it was all twisted. And for once some one thought the way I did so offered them to going us on the journey. Tris's face lit up and she said "Oh my god that would be amazing and..." "No!" She was cut off by Four. "I understand you left the districts but they have enough people to fight with out you. But we are this city's only hope!"

  I felt kind of bad so i offered them our help. "What if we help you end this then will you join us?" "Maybe" he responded. Then we started planing our attack. We where gonna go in to the dauntless head quarters and shut down the smulation and kill Jeanine.

  We folowd Tris and Four to a rail road track running across the street. "When the train comes you have to jump on it won't stop for nothing." Tris explained. I was fine with this I looked over at Katniss and she seemed cool but when my gaze went to Marcus he had a worried look on his face. I let my self smerk. Marcus was a strong guy that looked like he wasn't afraid of much but seeing his face made that idea go away.

  The train was aproching fast and we all broke in to a run. Tris and Four smoothly made jumped and got on the train. Katniss got on with no problem. It was Marcus that made me almost laugh. He threw him self onto the train awkwardly slamming his body on the train floor. I got on like a natural.

  I saw Four and Tris laughing at Marcus for the way he got on. I let myself smile a bit and then stopped because he looked mad. After 20 min on the train we reached an area far from most buildings but still in the city area. "This is it we have to jump on to the roof." Tris said to us.

  Tris and four jumped first. Then katniss jumped landing on her feet and took of joging. Then I jump looking under me. The ground seemed so far away. But I wasn't afraid I've always wanted to fly and for a second it felt like it. I then stuck the landing and took of jogging. To my surprise Marcus did the same.

  We then jumped of the building into a hole at the bottom of the building. There was a net at the bottom so no one died at this. We were in some type of place that reminded my of district 13. "This is dauntless." Four said. Then fro. Down the hall I heard voices and shoes clicking on the pavement. I look down the hall the noise came from. i saw a woman dressed in blue with short blond hair enter a room full of computer mother boards.   "That's Jeanine." Tris said "The bitch were gonna kill!"

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