Chapter 12: Storming NORAD

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Three days later

It is now June 1th. The Human Resistance is now at Colorado, preparing for the bigger fight ever against Skynet. Thanks to the data collected by Kyle and Sora, the Resistance now have a very big chance of turning this battle around. Right now, Kyle, Perry, Luna, and all of our heroes are on the truck with another unit in another military truck is going through a tunnel. Just then, John's voice is heard on the radio. 

John on radio: Listen up, people You are on route to Cheyenne Mountain, once the home of NORAD, the national defense system. Thirty-two years ago, humanity turned control of their nuclear weapons over to Skynet. Three weeks later, Skynet set those weapons loose on humanity. You know that as...Judgment day. 

The two vehicles leave the tunnel and continue driving through the snowy area of the mountain towards one of the entrances in Skynet's base. John continues talking on the radio.

John on radio: Intelligences reports this is the least defended of all entrances to Skynet. Our three strongest battalions are standing a diversion on the other side of the mountain. They'll keep the enemy busy and distracted long enough for your teams to infiltrate the base. But something tells me that the Heartless won't be fooled. So be ready for them inside the base too. 

After that, the trucks are almost at the entrance. But ahead, Luna sees a crashed truck against a rock. She frowns at this as the other truck drives by them. Her eyes widen, knowing what is going on.

Luna: WAIT!!

She slams the brakes, stopping the truck. The other truck continues onward. A big turret turns to aim at the truck. It fires, and destroys the truck, killing everyone on board. Perry sees this, and he, Riku, Roxas, and Goofy jump off the truck as an HK Aerial comes flying towards the truck. Luna reverses the truck as the Aerial fires lasers at them. Perry, Riku, Roxas, and Goofy are hiding behind a rock. 

Perry: You're too easy to target, Luna! Hall out of here while me, Riku, Roxas, and Goofy hack their security and bugged their perimeter defenses!

Kyle on radio: No, we can help!

Perry: Negative, Reese. Connor says you are mission-critical. That means you don't die. Not here, not now. 

The truck turns around and speeds towards the tunnel as the Aerial continues firing at them, trying to blow it up. Sora gets on the turret, and fires at it. As he does, the truck makes it into the tunnel. With Perry and his group, they get their weapons ready as they peak from behind the rock, and look at the turrets with frowned looks on their faces. They all run to the crashed truck, and get in the back, where a soldier is standing inside. Perry contacts John for advice.

Perry: General, there's turrets providing perimeter defense for the NORAD entrance. We can try to take them out, but how are we gonna open that security door?

John on computer: The Sci/Tech Crypto group is working on it, but it's taking a while. These defenses are the most complex we've seen yet. 

Perry: Roger that. Let us know when they're ready. 

Perry finds a rocket launcher. He picks it up, loads it, and aims it at the turret. He fires, and the rocket heads straight for the turret. The rocket hits it, and it explodes. They proceed to the door. They run past the burning truck, and see three more turrets. They take cover behind a big rock, and Perry aims the rocket launcher at one of the turrets. He fires, and the rocket destroys the turret. He reloads, and aims at another one. The turrets spot him, and fire at him. He ducks down behind the rock with the others, and rock blocks the laser blasts. He aims again, and fires. The rocket hits the turret, blowing it up. Just then, John warns them on the wrist computer.

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