Latvia x Russia

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Raivis watched solemnly as Ivan talked with his boss. They chatted quietly, almost in hushed whispers, glances thrown over at him. He always thought he couldn't wait for the day he broke free from Russia's rule, as his own person, and to reunite with his home nation once more. But now, he had a friend. And that friend was his own enemy. It started out right after Lithuania left alongside with Estonia, the two saddened they had to leave him but promised to come back to rescue him. Raivis thought he was dead for sure, alone in a giant mansion with the guy that had them do a year worth of chores and gave them beatings. That night, he snuck into the kitchen and drank at least five bottles of Vodka, sobbing silently and wishing that the pain would just stop. The emotions were too much and he just wanted it all to end.

A large calloused hand ended his never-ending thoughts, causing him to let an an embarrassing squeak and turn around in the chair he was seated on. He saw Ivan, tall and mighty as always. But this time, the man wore a sad and tired expression, bags under his dull violet eyes. It surprised the Latvian nonetheless, ecpessically when he asked to drink with him. He nodded, too frightened to oppose or run away. Turns out, they talked and laughed and cried like they were long time friends. How something so beautiful can be created overnight. The impossible. Raivis has fought the impossible.

His thoughts were shattered as that same hand, large yet covered by a black leather glove, laid upon his small shoulders. Ivan gave him a sad smile and began to gently pull the boy along. The walk was silent and Raivis couldn't handle it anymore.

"I-ivan...what did my boss s-say?" It felt weird calling the Russian personification by his human name, it was always 'Mr. Russia' but that stopped after that one night.

"You're going home, little Latvia" Ivan speaks, voice raspy as if has been crying, or in his case, held back sobs. Raivis, the little innocent boy he is, tilted his head to the side.

"What do you mean, Ivan? A-aren't we going h-home?" He asked. Ivan did not respond, so they walked in silence until they reached the mansion. Raivis was confused when he saw some servants he has never seen before hustling around. A maid came down the stairs with a bag that had the Latvian flag imprinted on it. She jogged over to Ivan and bowed, hand held out with the bag tangling on the tips of her wrinkly figures. Ivan grabbed the bag in a harsh yet swift movement.

"Прочь с глаз моих" he growled, watching with cold eyes as the woman scurried off. It surprised Raivis at his sudden change of attitude, memorizing as those cold eyes softened when they gazed down upon him.

"Home, Raivis. You are going home" he whispered. It hit him like a ton of bricks, the weight that disappered now reappearing on his shoulders. He shook his head, not caring if he looked like a little kid even more. He didn't want to go. He knew Ivan's deepest fear!

"I'm scared, Raivis. I'm scared that everyone I love will leave e...that I'll be alone"

"Nē! I'm not leaving!" Raivis cried, hugging the taller nation. He was surprised at his sudden actions but his heart yearned for the care and love Ivan gave him the past six months. He loved Ivan, more than a friend.

"Raivis..." Ivan warned, eyes glossed over with unwanted tears. The need to be strong for Raivis was to much yet he hid his emotions once more. He loved his little sunflower but knew the love they had wouldn't last forever.

"N-no! I don't want to, please Mr. Russia!" Raivis sobs, falling to his knees. A knock on the door brought Ivan's attention to it, his poker face falling at the sight of Toris and Eduard. Their eyes widened at the sight of an crying Raivis before sending overprotective brother glares towards him, threatening strides making him step back.

"Raivis, you're coming with us. We'll be reunited once more, little brother" Toris says in that soothing, calm voice of his. He was shocked when Raivis pushed him away and ran towards Ivan.

"No! Please Ivan, please! I love you!" The tears fell freely as Ivan knelt down to reach the Latvian's height, bringing in the smaller nation into a tight embrace.

"I love you, my little sunflower. I'll see you soon" with a nod, he pushed Raivis away and began walking away, body going rigid at the screams, pleads, cries. Just for him.

"I-ivan...please..." when he got no response, the tall figure long gone into the depths of the mansion, he went slack. His chest hurt and his eyes still stung, but he simply turned and buried his face into Toris' chest. He didn't want to cry, and for once, luck was on his side.

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