Passed away

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Dad went and got the car warmed of course Jake was sagging his pants. Dad did not turn the radio on in the car he just wanted the car nice and quiet dad where are we are going to moms then I am picking you up then we are going to grandma's. Jake you can't be here with your pants sagging everybody is here and they don't want to see your undies Jake refused to pull up his pants. Jake's mom smacked him and he fell and his pants began to fall off. This is nobody now get the hell out of my house Jake then called his uncle who was a cop and he called his partner and he arrested mom for abusing her son and she smacked and yelled at dad and mom then was forced to be in jail. Everyone left mom's house and eventually dad and Jake bought the house and his mom was not allowed over and dad put new doors and windows and new locks on the front door and new locks on the windows and new floors and new kitchen dad and his friends and family came over to celebrate Jake was still sore from his mom smacking him and stuff that he took his cheese and crackers and went to the basement to watch a movie he did not want anyone looking at his broke arm or his face or his sagging pants he wanted to be alone dad and some of his guest had to join Jake because the dining room had food and drinks because dad was re doing the kitchen counters that he did not know what else to do with the food so he made a buffet on the dinning room table.

Dad ate at 11:00am then we went to grandma's house and ate again grandma had turkey and ham sweet potatoes, corn, green beans mash potatoes, bake beans and cranberry sauce dad had turkey stuffing and sweet potatoes cranberry sauce and brownies grandma did not want anyone to bring anything. At Christmas time I went to see mom in the hospital she had cancer and it was spreading to her brain I sat her bed in the hospital and things did not look good mom was weak and she was yelling and falling and not much appetite she stopped eating and drinking I looked at dad and the next morning I went to school and in math class dad and the family came to school and got me my friends came to the nursing home after school they knew mom and they they were crying and saying you can go now and stuff. Mom was not ready to die she was talking but you couldn't understand a word you were saying mom what you saying dad said she does not know. Her brain shut down she is brain dead. My teacher and friends and family and the nurse said she could go anytime day we stayed at the hospital. Dad and me stayed at the hospital my teacher came after school she was gone nothing you could do. I remember that year my teacher said your father had passed away Thanksgiving of 2019 with bone cancer mom did not go to his funeral. He was sick for a long time.
I moved in my teacher in July of 2020 she was my foster mom she went to court and stuff the judge said your Alex's foster mother now leave the court room.

Jake sagging his pants

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Jake sagging his pants.

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