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A/N: Erm... all I honestly say is that I deeply apologize for what I'm about to do, you guys are really not going to like it.

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger at the end.. it's got to be one of the most evil cliffhangers ever.


Nikki's POV, May 1988

Just got in from another therapy session and the first thing I did was go straight into the kitchen and fix myself a cup of coffee both enjoying and hating the silence I was surrounded by.

Yes, I was home alone only for another hour or so though- Tommy had left the same time as me with River to go and collect something from Vince's I think it was a multi story shelf or something, Vince was clearing out old furniture because he liked to replace everything in his house like every other week and Tommy really liked the shelf so asked Vince is he could take it off his hands, Vin agreed so he's gone to get it off him.

They had to dismantle it slightly to get it in the car which they've probably only just finished- 2 hours to half take down a shelf, yep- sounds accurate. Tommy said he'd stay there for an extra hour to have his morning coffee with the singer before coming back here.

This house was so quiet with just me in it, I'd spent enough time here alone last year it's seemingly even quieter now I'm sober- probably cause I'm not hallucinating shit. I poured the just boiled water into my mug and added a splash of milk before walking out of the kitchen and sitting down on the couch flicking through the latest 'Rolling Stone' magazine sipping on my drink, finishing the beverage within 10 minutes.

A further 5 minutes passed and while I was reading a interview from Led Zeppelin, I hear the front door open and smile, assuming it Tommy so without looking up from the magazine I began to speak "Took you less time than expected- didn't you stay with Vince for a coffee? Cause your surprisingly early, I thought you were gonna be gone longer-" I stopped dead in my words as I glanced briefly towards the doorway, and there was a person standing there but it certainly wasn't Tommy, the smile on my lips faded into a scowl while a spark of fear ignited in my heart.

It was my mom.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I stated in a monotone voice not daring to show any kind of emotion which she could use against me.

Deana smiled in a sickly sweet smile which was obviously fake, an expression I was all too used to "Frankie" she squeaked which immediately made me cringe, she had completely blanked my hostile tone of voice.

What's new there? She never had known when to shut the fuck up.

She moved closer to me from the front door but instantly I jumped as far as the couch would allow me too away from her, she wasn't coming anywhere near me.

She wasn't going to hurt me again.

Her fake smile dropped a bit at that "How are you?"

No words formed on my lips, I wasn't going to answer her. She needed to go and she needed to go now, she's going to ruin everything... although she's just stepped inside the house I can feel that she's already awakening old feelings and I don't want that, I can't deal with this... not now.

"Answer me then" she said still in a upbeat way but I heard the ice cold undertones to her voice and frankly it scared the shit outta me "Fine, if you want to be like that- where's that boyfriend of yours?"

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