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In the previous chapter (chapter-34):

"You're a bit yoo slow for an agent you know?" He asked, and I hit his arm.

"You're a bit too weak for a gangster you know?" I asked right back, punching his arm.

He let out a cry of pain but continued speaking. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Truce?" He asked, giving me his hand.

"Yeah okay, truce sleepyhead." I said before shaking his hand.

"And by the way how did you follow me here?" 

"That's a story alright. Let's get back to the dorm first."



"Tell me something, how did you end up in that alley? Were you following me?" I asked Suga the very second we stepped foot into the dormitory. 

There were pillows strewn across the floor with random remote controls in each corner of the room. I panicked for a second thinking someone broke in, but Suga maintained his calm demeanor as he stared to one corner of the room. My sight followed the same direction, only to see the Tae guy spread out across the floor and the Jimin dude crumpled up close to Tae like a tiny baby. They prolly had a pillow fight.  

Not to forget, but Jungkook, the Hobi guy, and Jison were on another side of the room crumpled up in a similar fashion. Didn't they go to sleep? How did they end up here? 

I stood still waiting for an answer. But Suga motioned me to follow as he walked towards Jimin. "You weren't the only one who couldn't sleep." He said, proceeding to lift a sleepy Jimin up. I expected him to wake up, but he cuddled closer to Suga in his arms. 

I watched as he walked towards a room, not knowing if I should follow. But I did follow when he looked back at me as if to ask how long I was gonna stand there. We had to tiptoe over a sleepy Jison into a darkly lit room. "I was planning to go out of the dorm for some fresh air when I saw you tiptoeing around." He said, slowly dropping Jimin onto the comfy bed, and sat down beside him. I plopped down on the bed near Jimin's legs. He still hasn't woken up, to my surprise. 

Suga must've noticed me staring cause he tried to explain. "He drinks." Suga said, pausing for a deep breath. I noticed that Jimin did look exhausted but not drunk. "He drinks almost every night after a concert, and almost every day and night without a concert now. The concert tours have drained him down." He said, looking at Jimin with sad eyes. 

I could see his eyes filling up, and his hand trembling as he extended it to push away a strand of hair from Jimin's face. But he composed himself quickly before speaking. "Concerts make us gush with energy, but leave us either drained completely or still high with euphoria." He paused again, pulling a duvet over Jimin, now crumpled up like a ball again on the bed. 

"Drinking is his only way of letting some of that go." He sighed again. A small conversation, but it left me thinking that Suga wasn't the loveless savage person everyone thinks he is. And the other members probably know that very well. 

"Anyways, as I was saying, I saw you sneaking out, and was worried." 

"You were worried for me? Aww how cute!!" I said, giggling mischievously. 

"Well, you did seem pretty lost in those alleys." He stared into my eyes, as if he was reading the secrets they held. "We don't get down to the streets for fresh air, heck we can't even walk down this building most of the time without our managers and tons of bodyguards." He said, sighing. 

"Paparazzi, and people who have every inch of their souls etched with an intention to harm you. Comes with the fame I guess." He sighed again, looking away from my eyes, and stared blankly at a wall that was painted in the darkest of blacks. This must be his room, I thought, as all the colors around me were either black, shades of black or different hues of dark and gloomy. 

"You looked pretty lost, so I walked with you. Like a shadow." 

"That is the very definition of 'following' but go on." I said, smirking. 

"According to me, that is the definition of 'just walking the streets beside another person'." 

"I see how it is." 

"But yeah, it would be pretty nice if I don't end up on the news tomorrow, for standing still as a girl that accompanied me from the dorms, beat up a bunch of villains." He said, a smile playing on his lips. 

He unzipped his hoodie, threw it at some corner of the room, and got under the duvet he put over Jimin. "Goodnight Olive. You can sleep there if you want to, or take the bed that Joon put up for you earlier." 

"Goodnight Yoongi. Better I go back to my room." I said, getting up from the bed. "And thanks for having my back today, even though you weren't of much help." 

"I know there was gratitude hidden in those lines, so yeah you're welcome." He said, smiling. 

He takes me by surprise every single time that he smiles. His gummy smile is the most adorable thing on earth.. 

He put the side lights out and switched on a night light before throwing the duvet over his head, cuddling close to Jimin. 

A sense of content washed over me as I walked back to my room. Jungkook had somehow scooted from one side of the room to the other, near taehyung. And some pillows had magically appeared under and around taehyung. Must be Jungkook's doings, I thought to myself, as I saw Jison with his leg extended upon Hoseok's left arm. Hmm.. typical Jison. You sleep near him and his ability to roll over you would literally murder you at night. 

Hoping that J-hope make it through the night, I tiptoed over Jison and into my room. 

Rae had put the lights out already, and was dead asleep. I walked over to her, and stared for a second before realizing that I could come off as creepy. 

I felt my exhaustion leaving me as my back hit the bed. 

"We're in for another long day", I told myself as I pulled the cover over myself. 

I drifted off to sleep, still wondering how the 'I' changed to 'We' for me. It's always been just me, but maybe having people around is better? 

Oh boy was I wrong. 


Been long guys, been long I know, but hope you enjoyed!!

Purple y'all!!


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