Chapter - 21

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Next morning, after 3 alarms Zhan finally woke up. He went to bathroom and done his routine, take shower and got dressed in suit. He stand in front of mirror and watched himself for 2 minutes.

'Wow Zhan!! You are really something. How handsome you are? No wonder if someone proposed you in the very first day of your office.'  Zhan said with a smile to himself and winked at himself.

Then he went down stairs. Carman Lee and Yubin were already in living room. They became stunned watching the pretty boy in formal suit. He was looking damn handsome as well as cute. He went to them.

"Wow Zhan, you are looking very sexy!!"  Yubin said mesmerizing Zhan's beauty and winked at him.

Zhan blushed on Yubin's compliment.

"Yes Zhan!! Really you are looking so bea- I mean so handsome." Carman Lee changed her statement seeing Zhan' s frown on BEAUTIFUL word.

"Thank you aunty!!" Zhan said with a smile.

"With this beauty, I am sure you will get many proposals on the very first day of office." Yubin teased Zhan.

"Shut up Yubin!" Zhan said and blushed.

"Oh my God Zhan, You are really blushing." 

"Stop teasing him Yubin." Carman Lee said.

"But he is really blushing!!" Yubin teased again.

"Now enough!!" Carman Lee said.

They all went to dinning room and then Wang Yibo came.
He saw Zhan sitting on a chair opposite to his. Yibo scanned Zhan from head to toe with his eyes. A faint smile appeared on his lips which wasn't unnoticed by Yubin.

"OH MY GOD" Yubin screamed.

"What happen?" Carman Lee asked worried.

"Aunty tell me Am I dreaming?" Yubin asked not believing his eyes.

"Huh??" Carman Lee asked confused.

"Pinch me!" Yubin said.

"Yubin have you gone mad?" Carman Lee asked.

"Just pinch me na!!" Yubin said dramatically.

Carman Lee extend her hand to pinch Yubin but as naughty is Zhan he hurriedly got up from his seat, went to Yubin and pinched really hard that Yubin screamed on the top his lungs.

"What? Why screaming now? Weren't you asking for it?" Zhan asked sarcastically.

"Well, I haven't asked you. And secondly you Little Devil, you can pinch me lightly." Yubin complaint Zhan.

"Whatever!!" Zhan said and rolled his eyes.

"What happened to you? why were you asking to pinch you?" Carman Lee asked Yubin.

"Aunty just now Gege smiled." Yubin said.

Carman Lee turned to Yibo and was about to ask but Zhan interuppted her.

"So what? Isn't he a human? Can't he smile? Yeahh, He is angry bird but still a human being so isn't it comman for a person to smile? What's the big deal?" Zhan asked.

"You are saying this because you don't know Gege till now very well. Let the time pass then you will know why I was saying this." Yubin explained.

"What? Shut up!! And eat all of you your breakfast." Yibo said strenly with his deep hoarse voice.

Every one keep silent and start to eat silently. After 10 minutes

"Gege take Zhan with you" Yubin said.

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