[ ♠ ] - Cross

576 10 3

"Pile of Bones"
Word Count: 1056


Humans suck.

I don't know about any of you, but my city probably has the worst population of humans you could ever be surrounded with.

Especially the boys here.

They are all freaks.

Although it's a lie when I say that they look ugly, their personalities and weird behaviour are what drives me to a conclusion that they're all freaks. I dare you to try dating one. If you survive for at least a month without getting any emotional trauma from the relationship, I'll give you ten dollars.

"Easy money," you might say? Just wait until you actually date one. You won't even come out of the relationship still emotionally stable. You'd probably cry yourself to sleep every night on the third week of the relationship, dreaming about ways to escape the abuse, physically and mentally, the man had done to you. You'd want to escape and seek for help, but no one would help you because the other half of the population of boys in this city are either homophobic or just don't give a damn.

It's upsetting to say that I'm a guy as well.

If you're a girl, I suggest you to just migrate somewhere first. Don't find a relationship here. Because my female friends also experienced the pain of having an Ebott boyfriend.

The name of the city I live in is Ebott, by the way.

But the thing is, I still want to be in a relationship with a boy. The feeling of being protected by an alpha male always brings joy to my heart. I wanted to feel how intertwining my fingers with a man I love felt like. So, I dated men.

The first weeks were amazing, but they all ended up leaving.

So what did I do?

I dated a skeleton.

One with different colours for each of his eyes. One with a very fluffy attire that makes me want to hug him forever despite the weather might being hot. One that had the ability to protect me without even thinking about it.

One that was so adorable and considerate.

Kind and smart.

Addicted to chocolate, just like me.

I never knew that waking up to a pile of bones beside me would make me feel so safe and secure. I'd always catch him staring at my features; moreover how he always reminds me that I look so stunning to his eyes, even though I always counter his opinion. "nonsense," he'd say every time as he would bump his teeth on my cheek.

"But you're cuter!" I'd exclaim quietly, yawning afterwards because I still felt tired. I'd hug his frame and nuzzle my face into his boney neck, taking in his sweet scent.

He'd smile softly, and he would pat my head, making me feel so giddy despite the fact that I just woke up.

We could both relate to each other every time; we were always so lazy, it resulted into us being in bed for hours upon hours, just holding unto each other and whispering sweet nothingness into each other's ears (and where his ears were supposed to be.)

There were times where he'd like to tease me by calling me his "Senpai~" although he's older than me by a year. I'd whine about how he was so addicted to that rigged game. But deep inside, at least I know that he's calling me his senpai because he thought that the honorific's meaning was "a person whom you're madly in love with," but the true meaning of senpai is "upperclassman."

His true nickname for me, however, was "sweetling."

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't pass out the first time he whispered that nickname into my ear. He laughed at my expression and took note of my embarrassment. I simply just looked away from him after that.

He always loved it when I'd split my chocolate bar and offer the half to him. We'd eat our own half together whilst laughing at each other's stupid jokes. I could tell the satisfaction he felt by examining the close eyed smile he'd give me whenever we successfully toss the wrappers into the bins. The scar on his face made him look so adorable to my eyes but intimidating to others.

Overall, he was literally the definition perfect.

"heyyyyy~ senpai~"

"Cross. We've talked about that honorific—"

"i know, i know! but it's cute—"

"But you're using it incorrectly!"

"ack, fine. fine," Cross grumbled behind me as he rested his forehead on my shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my figure and hugged me comfortably; the F/C hoodie I owned was what he was currently wearing, aside from his usually baggy shorts.

I sighed as I smiled softly, feeling his soft breaths on my back. I was wearing his white jacket at the moment.

It was basically one of our traditions: trading clothes. It just so happened that one day, we both caught each other wearing the other's favourite hoodie or jacket, thinking that the other one wasn't home with him. No one complained, though. Cross looked absolutely adorable in F/C and he'd say the same to me wearing his jacket.

"what are you doing, sweetling?" he asked softly, tilting his forehead on my shoulder so that he could take a peek on whatever I was doing. The usual heat rose and attacked my cheeks as I felt the same tingly sensation in my stomach every day whenever he'd say that nickname.

"Just online shopping," I replied, scrolling through the internet's market

"did you get—"

"Yes. Chocolate was the first thing I added to my cart," I replied instantly, already knowing what he was going to ask.

His eyes lit up and he practically squealed in delight as he hugged me tighter, making me chuckle, feeling quite content with his reaction. "m/n, i love you so fucking much. i swear i'm gonna cry—" he ranted, making me laugh.

"I love you too, you dork." I teased. I turned around and engulfed him in my arms, finally returning his embrace. He pecked my forehead with his teeth as we laughed together happily, feeling loved.

I'm not saying that all boys are bad.

I'm just telling you all to get yourself a person who may look different but would still love you no matter what.

𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 - 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆. (xmalereader oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now