[ ♣ ] - Ushijima Wakatoshi

430 11 1

"The Betrayal"
Word Count: 1168


"I'm straight, you say~"

"Satori, please—"

"I like girls, you say~"

"Satori, just—"

"But why are you looking at Wakatoshi-kun like he's an angel~?"

"TENDOU. NO—!" I exclaimed just before getting cut off by the school bell. I sighed in relief and quietly thanked the gods for rescuing me from this situation Tendou had put me in. The redhead pouted and squinted his eyes at me, making me feel like I was the villain.

"C'mon, M/N-chan~! Just admit it!"

"Haha no. Bye, Satori!" I exclaimed in a quick pace, shoving all my belongings inside my bag and making a run for it towards the usual place where I eat my lunch.

Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough because the guess monster was able to catch my wrist. "You're having lunch with me and the other v-ball players, M/N-chan~" Satori smirked as his grip on my wrist went solid, preventing me from escaping his hold. I frowned as I miserably followed him out the door and towards the cafeteria where the other volleyball players were probably already in.

People gave us weird looks along the way, possibly wondering why Tendou was holding my hand.

As we entered the cafeteria, we immediately spotted the group of male volleyball players all seated in one table. Tendou immediately ran towards them, practically dragging me and making me curse at him.

"Semi, help me." I said pleadingly to the grey-haired setter. Said male stood up from his spot and forcefully pulled away Tendou's arm, making him whine. "Thank you!" I smiled, sighing in relief. "You're welcome," he smiled as well, returning to his seat.

Letting me realise that Tendou was no longer beside me, but was seated next to Shirabu, so the table was practically full.

Besides the available spot next to Ushijima.

"Semi-Semi! Don't mess with my ship!" Tendou screamed, seeing how the setter made me smile and how he smiled back at me. Semi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not! It's my ship too, you know." Semi mumbled the last part only for me and Tendou to hear. Tendou's eyes widened and he grinned widely as Semi smirked at me and pointed at the empty seat next to Ushijima. "Sorry, but you're gonna have to sit next to him," Semi smirked, making my face pale. Tendou freaked out and clapped at Semi for being smart.

I huffed and walked towards Ushijima, already plotting ways on how to take revenge on the two trollers.

It's always been like this. Tendou would always want me to get closer with Ushijima, oblivious to one unknown fact that neither me or Ushijima had told them yet. We intended to keep them oblivious though. We thought that making the secret public would ruin our reputations and bother everyone else.

"Hey, I'm gonna sit beside you, if that's alright," I smiled awkwardly, feeling the stares of the other boys with us. All of them were watching in ancticipation and excitement.

Ushijima nodded, barely even acknowledging my presence. A quiet "boo" came out from Tendou's mouth as I finally sat down. The redhead and the others turned away at this, sensing that there won't actually be any interaction that will occur between me and Ushijima.

But their predictions were innacurate.

"How are you holding up?" Ushijima asked, quietly, looking at the other boys beside him who weren't paying attention. "Just... Fine, I guess," I replied shortly, mimicking his actions by not looking at him as well.

"Souka." he listened.

Ushijima was always hard to read. You can never know what's on his mind. Despite that fact, this man is incredibly blunt, to the point where it makes you wonder if he's even properly educated. He'd say what he'd want to say to anyone whenever he wanted to say something. His words were the only things that can help people read him.

Right now, he was lacking of it. So I had absolutely no idea what was running inside of his head right now.

"Visit me during our practice." he said, it sounded like he was demanding it, but I knew he didn't mean it in that way.



"Ololololo~? I spot a wild M/N-chan!!"

Of course, Tendou was going to be the one to acknowledge my presence first. He ran up to me and gave me a hug. Thankfully, their practice hasn't started yet so he wasn't that sweaty. I returned the embrace and sighed, already used to my best friend's antics.

"Are you here to confess to someone~?" Semi appeared beside Tendou, making me grumble in annoyance.

"I'm not—"

"Actually, I am." Ushijima said behind me, making me jump forward in surprise.

"Eh—? Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou tilted his head in confusion, so did Semi and the rest of the volleyball players. Everyone gathered around the four of us, seemingly curious as to what Ushijima was going to do.

I suddenly felt a wave of nervousness hit me as Ushijima pulled me away from Tendou. He pulled my hand and made me stand beside him as the others watched us in curiosity. Even their coach suddenly walked towards this group of boys, not really expecting Ushijima to say something like that out of no where.

"Everyone. I have something to announce to you all." Ushijima's deep voice pierced through the atmosphere, making my eyes widen in fear. "Ushijima— are you going to—"

He cut me off by pulling me towards his chest. He held me tightly and placed a hand on top if my head, patting my H/C hair. Tendou and Semi looked shocked. All the others were shocked too, actually.

"M/N and I are already dating. So please don't bother my boyfriend anymore," the ace stated, glaring at Tendou and Semi specifically.

Everyone began to scream in bloody horror from the sudden confession. Both proud and surprised at their captain at the same time. Ouhira and the coach were the only ones who stayed calm and simply just smiled at the couple in front of them.

"My ship was already cannon... Without me knowing..."

"Yes. Our 6th month anniversary is tomorrow."


"Tendou, at least they're together... Right?"

"BUT I WASN'T ABLE TO WITNESS THEIR FIRST FEW STAGES OF RELATIONSHIP!" Tendou pouted and cried, seeking comfort from his grey-haired friend. Semi would laugh at the redhead's antics, but he too felt betrayed because we were also his ship.

I laughed at the two as I held Ushijima's hand. He smiled at me slightly before pulling me in for another hug. Shirabu started taking pictures whilst Goshiki whined about how cute we were being.

"Congrats, M/N-san, Wakatoshi-san." Ouhira said happily, very glad that their captain actually found someone to be with, knowing that their captain isn't actually a great conversation starter.

"Thank you." I said.

"I love you, M/N."

"I love you too, Toshi-kun."


𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 - 𝒂𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆. (xmalereader oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now